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HOVEY, Alvah, clergyman, born in Greene, Chenango County, New York, 5 March, 1820. He spent his early life in Thetford, Vermont, was prepared for college at Brandon, and was graduated at Dartmouth in 1844 and at Newton theological institution in 1848, after which he was pastor of the Baptist church in New Gloucester, Maine, for a year. He was assistant teacher of Hebrew in Newton theological institution from 1849 till 1855, and professor of church history front 1853 till 1855. Since 18,55 he has been professor of theology and Christian ethics, and since 1868 has been president. From 1868 till 1883 he was a member of the executive committee of the American Baptist missionary union. He is a trustee of Wellesley, and a fellow of Brown. He received the degrees of D.D. from Brown in 1856 and LL.D. from Denison and Richmond in 1876. He has published, besides review articles, a translation of Friedrich M. Perthe's "Life of Chrysostom," with Reverend D. B. Ford (Boston, 1854); "The State of the Impenitent Dead" (1859); "The Miracles of Christ as attested by the Evangelists" (1864); "The Scriptural Law of Divorce" (1866); "God with Us, or the Person and Work of Christ" (1872); "Normal class Manual, Part I., What to Teach" (1873); "Religion and the State" (1.874); "The Doctrine of the Higher Christian Life, compared with the Teachings of the Holy Scriptures" (1876); "Manual of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics" (1877; new ed., Philadelphia, 1880). He is general editor of "An American Commentary on the New Testament," to which he contributed the commentary on the gospel of John (Philadelphia, 1885).--His brother, Charles Edward, lawyer, born in Thetford, Orange County, Vermont, 26 April, 1827, was graduated at Dartmouth in 1852, after which he became principal of the high school in Farmington, Massachusetts, and of the boy's high school in Peoria, Illinois He assisted in organizing the Illinois normal university in Nor-real, of which he was president from 1857 till the civil war, and on the organization of a system of public schools in that city, in 1856, he was appointed superintendent, and assisted in forming the state teachers' association, of which he was president in 1856. On 15 August, 1861, he entered the national service as colonel of the 33d Illinois volunteer infantry, a regiment composed chiefly of young men from the state colleges. In 1862 he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, and on 5 September, 1862, to that of major-general by brevet, for gallant and meritorious conduct in battle, particularly at Arkansas Post, 11 January, 1863. He left the military service in May, 1863, and has since practised law. He delivered a number of addresses in Illinois, was a member of the state board of education there, was the editor of the "Illinois Teacher," and contributed also to other educational periodicals from 1852 till 1861.
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