JOHNSON, Andrew, 27 president and seventeenth president of the United
States under the US constitution
Andrew Johnson
President of the United States
17th under the US Constitution
View Andrew
Johnson's signed Presidential
Pardon dated July 8, 1867
Andrew Johnson became the 17th
President of the United States under the US Constituion after the assassination
of Abraham Lincoln on April 15, 1865. Johnson would not resign as a United
States Senator when his home state of Tennessee seceded from the Union and he
worked hard to preserve the Union. For his efforts he was chosen to run for and
won the Vice Presidency under Abraham Lincoln. Although he was an honest and
honorable man, Andrew Johnson was one of the most hapless of Presidents. Against
him were the Radical Republicans in Congress, brilliantly led and ruthless in
their tactics. Johnson was no match for them. His presidency made him the focal
point in the struggle over how to restore the Union after the Civil War. This
struggle became so embittered that the House of Representatives impeached him
and he was tried before the United States Senate. He was ultimately found not
guilty of the charges. The one great accomplishment of his administration was in
foreign affairs, the purchase of Alaska from Russia.
Johnson was born on December 29, 1808, in Raleigh, North Carolina, the son
of Jacob and Mary (Polly) McDonough Johnson. His father died three years after
Andrew was born. The family was destitute and remained poor even after the
remarriage of Andrew's mother. Apprenticed by his mother to a tailor at the age
of 14, Johnson was unable to attend school and never was afforded a formal
education. He learned the basic knowledge of reading and writing from a Raleigh
gentleman who read to the employees and apprentices at the tailor shop where
young Andrew worked. Unhappy at his job, Johnson refused to serve out his
apprenticeship. His family moved to eastern Tennessee, settling in Greenville
and there he opened his own tailor shop. On May 5, 1827, Andrew married Eliza
McCardle, the daughter of a Scottish shoemaker. Eliza helped him further his
education, teaching him arithmetic and improving his reading and writing skills.
Andrew and Eliza had five children.
Resentful of those in upper society and determined to rise from humble
origins, Johnson strove to become an important figure in Tennessee politics. He
was popular with the craftsman of the town and was thus able to replace
Greenville's traditional leaders with a political organization that he and his
friends founded. Representing small farmers of eastern Tennessee hill country,
he challenged the western cotton planters who usually controlled the party. In
1829 he was elected councilman and served three terms. Later, in 1834 he was
elected mayor of Greenville and in 1835 he was elected to the state legislature.
Defeated in 1837, he was re-elected in 1839. In 1843 Johnson was elected to the
United States House of Representatives in which he served until 1853. As a
Member of the House of Representatives he advocated a homestead bill to provide
a free farm for the poor man. Twice he was elected Governor of Tennessee (1853
and 1855). In this position he secured the passage of the first tax in Tennessee
to be levied in support of education. He also directed the creation of a state
board of agriculture. Finally in 1857, he rose to the office of the United
States Senate and once again took up the fight for a homestead bill. The bill
finally passed in 1860 but was vetoed by President James
It was Johnson's belief that government should interfere as little as
possible in people's lives. Moreover, he was convinced that the U.S.
Constitution imposed such limitations on the national government. As a
Southerner Johnson defended slavery in the conflicts of 1840-50's, taking the
strong state rights position that Congress could not prevent its spread to
territories of the United States. Accordingly, in 1860 he supported the
pro-slavery Democratic presidential candidate, John C. Breckinridge. When the
Southern states began to secede after the victory of the antislavery Republican
candidate, Abraham Lincoln, however, Johnson
denied that secession could be undertaken legally. He fought unsuccessfully to
keep Tennessee in the Union and refused to resign his place in Congress, the
only Southern senator to remain loyal to the United States. This made him a hero
in the North and a traitor in the eyes of most Southerners. Barely escaping a
lynch mob when returning to his home in 1861, he eventually had to flee, but he
never abandoned the effort to liberate eastern Tennessee. In March 1862, when
Union forces occupied part of Tennessee, Lincoln appointed Johnson military
governor there. Johnson set out in 1863 to restore civil government and revive
the Union cause in his home state after the defeat of the last remaining
Confederate forces. In 1864, assured that Lincoln would be re-nominated, the
Republicans looked for someone who would appeal to Democrats and Republicans
alike. Johnson was chosen because of his work for the Union and his political
label as a "war Democrat". Under the new Union Party, the
ticket won easily. After his victory as Lincoln's running mate, he convened a
convention that set up a new state government and abolished slavery in
Following the assassination of Lincoln on April 14, 1865, Johnson assumed
the presidency and faced a series of difficult problems. The Civil War was over,
damages were still to be repaired and the Union restored. Bitterness in the
North had increased with the death of Lincoln. They held the South accountable
for the tragedy. Congressional leaders liked Johnson as president. Johnson
denounced Confederates as traitors. This goodwill, however, disappeared as he
set out his Reconstruction plans. Like most white Southerners of his time,
Johnson was a racist who believed whites should have firm control over society
and government. He was opposed to Republican legislation protecting the rights
of ex-slaves in the South and tried unsuccessfully to prevent Congress from
replacing the Southern State governments he had authorized with new ones.
Offended by the enactment of racially discriminatory regulations (The Black
Codes) and the election of prominent ex-Confederates, the Republicans majority
refused to seat any Senator or Representative from the old Confederacy when
Congress met in December 1865. Johnson vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau and Civil
Rights Bills, but Congress overrode both vetoes. It framed its own
Reconstruction plan and proposed the 14th Amendment to the Constitution,
establishing Negroes as American citizens and forbade discrimination against
them. All former Confederates States except Tennessee refused to ratify the
Johnson was totally opposed to the congressional Reconstruction. Hampered
by Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, Johnson tried to remove him. Stanton
refused to resign, but in August 1867, the president removed him and appointed
Ulysses S. Grant in his place. This action violated the Tenure of Office Act
passed by Congress in 1867, limiting the powers of the presidency. Stanton
refused to give up the office and the Senate supported him. Stanton was
reinstated in January 1868. When Johnson again dismissed Stanton in February,
Congress brought 11 charges of impeachment against him for "high crimes
and misdemeanors". In the ensuing trial lasting from March until May
1868, the Senate found Johnson not guilty. Johnson was acquitted, the tally
being one vote shy of the two-thirds needed for conviction. Seven Republicans
voted with the Democrats for acquittal. The failure of impeachment was a severe
blow to the radical Republicans. However, Johnson's power had been broken. The
greatest achievement of the Johnson administration was in foreign affairs, the
purchase of Alaska by Secretary of State William H. Seward in 1867. This,
however, was overshadowed by his administration's domestic troubles.
The Republicans nominated Grant in 1868 and at the Democratic convention,
Johnson was defeated by Horatio Seymour of New York. Johnson left office in
1869. He retired to his home in Tennessee. Following several failures to stage a
political comeback, he campaigned for the Senate in 1874 and won. In 1875 he
took his seat, becoming the only ex-president ever elected to the Senate. He
suffered a paralytic attack and died at Carter Station, Tennessee on July 31,
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Edited 1887 Appletons' Encyclopedia,
Copyright © 2002 Virtualology
JOHNSON, Andrew, seventeenth
president of the United States under the US Constitution, born in Raleigh, North
Carolina, 29 December, 1808; died near Carter's Station, Tennessee, 31 July,
1875. His parents were very poor, and when he was four years old his father died
of injuries received in saving another from drowning. At the age of ten Andrew
was apprenticed to a tailor. A natural craving to learn was fostered by hearing
a gentleman read from "The American Speaker." The boy was
taught the alphabet by fellow workmen, borrowed the book and learned to read. In
1824 he removed to Laurens Court House, South Carolina, where he worked as a
journeyman tailor. The illustration on page 437 represents the small shop in
which he pursued the calling that is announced on the sign over the door.
In May, 1826, he returned to Raleigh, and in September, with his mother and
step-father, he set out in a two-wheeled cart, drawn by a blind pony, for
Greenville, Tennessee. Here he married Eliza McCardle, a woman of refinement,
who taught him to write, and read to him while he was at work during the day. It
was not until he had been in congress that he learned to write with ease. From
Greenville he went to the west, but returned after the lapse of a year. In those
days Tennessee was controlled by landholders, whose interests were fostered by
the state constitution, and Greenville was ruled by what was called an "aristocratic
coterie of the quality." Johnson resisted their supremacy, and made
himself a leader of the opposition. In 1828 he was elected alderman, in 1829 and
1830 was re-elected, and in 1830 was advanced to the mayoralty, which office he
held for three years. In 1831 the county court appointed him a trustee of Rhea
academy, and about this time he took part in the debates of a society at
Greenville college.
In 1834 he advocated the adoption of the new state constitution, by which the
influence of the large landholders was abridged. In 1835 he represented Greene
and Washington counties in the legislature. He resisted the popular mania for
internal improvements, which caused his defeat in 1837, but the reaction
justified his foresight, strengthened his influence, and restored his
popularity. In 1839 he was returned. In 1836 he supported Hugh L. White for the
presidency, and was a Bell man in the warm personal and political altercations
between John Bell and James K. Polk, which
distracted Tennessee at this time. Johnson was the only ardent follower of Bell
that failed to go over to the Whig party. In 1840 he was an elector for the
state-at-large on Van Buren's ticket, and made a state reputation by the force
of his oratory. In 1841 he was elected to the stale senate from Greene and
Hawkins counties, and while in that body he was one of the "immortal
13" Democrats who, having it in their power to prevent the election of
a Whig senator, did so by refusing to meet the house in joint convention. He
also proposed that the basis of representation should rest upon the white votes,
without regard to the ownership of slaves In 1848 he was elected to congress
over John A. Asken, a United States bank Democrat, who was supported by the
Whigs. His first speech was in support of the resolution to restore to General
Jackson the fine imposed upon him at New Orleans. He supported the annexation of
In 1845 he was re-elected, and sustained Polk's administration. He opposed
all expenditures for internal improvements that were not general, and resisted
and defeated the proposed contingent tax of ten per cent. on tea and coffee, he
was regularly re-elected until 1858. During this period he made his celebrated defense
of the veto power, and urged the adoption of the homestead law, which was
obnoxious to the slave-holding power of the south. He supported the compromise
measures of 1850 as a matter of expediency, but opposed compromises in general
as a sacrifice of principle. In 1853, the district lines were so "gerrymandered"
" as to throw him into a district in which the Whigs had an
overwhelming majority. Johnson at once announced himself a candidate for the
governorship, and was elected by a fair majority. In his message to the
legislature he dwelt upon the homestead law and other measures for the benefit
of the working-classes, and earned the title of the "mechanic
He opposed the Know-nothing Movement with characteristic vehemence. In 1855
he was opposed by Meredith P. Gentry, the Whig candidate, and defeated him after
a canvass remarkable for the feeling displayed. Mr. Johnson earnestly supported
the Kansas-Nebraska bill In 1857 he was elected to the United States senate,
where he urged the passage of the homestead bill, and on 20 May, 1858, made his
greatest speech on this subject. Finally, in 1860, he had the momentary
gratification of seeing his favorite bill pass both houses of congress, but
President Buchanan vetoed it, and the veto was sustained. Johnson revived it at
the next session, and also introduced a resolution looking to a retrenchment in
the expenditures of the government, and on constitutional grounds opposed the
grant of aid for the construction of a Pacific railroad. He was prominent in
debate, and frequently clashed with southern supporters of the administration.
His pronounced Unionism estranged him from the slave-holders on the one side,
while his acceptance of slavery as an institution guaranteed by the constitution
caused him to hold aloof from the Republicans on the other. This intermediate
position suggested his availability as a popular candidate for the presidency;
but in the Democratic convention he received only the vote of Tennessee and when
the convention reassembled in Baltimore he withdrew his name.
In the canvass that followed, he supported the extreme pro-slavery candidate,
Breckinridge. Johnson had never believed it possible that any organized attempt
to dissolve the Union could be made; but the events preceding the session of
congress beginning in December, 1860, convinced him of his error. When congress
met, he took decided and unequivocal grounds in opposition to secession, and on
13 December introduced a joint resolution, proposing to amend the constitution
so as to elect the president and vice president by district votes, to elect
senators by a direct popular vote, and to limit the terms of Federal judges to
twelve years, half of them to be from slave-holding and half from
non-slave-holding states. In his speech on this resolution, 18 and 19 December,
he declared his unyielding opposition to secession, and announced his intention
to stand by and act in and under the constitution. The southern states were then
in the act of seceding, and every word uttered in congress was read and
discussed with eagerness by thirty millions of people. Johnson's speech, coming
from a southern man, thrilled the popular heart; but his popularity in the north
was offset by the virulence with which he was assailed in the south. In a speech
delivered 2 March, 1861, he said, referring to the secessionists: "I
would have them arrested and tried for treason, and, if convicted, by the
eternal God, they should suffer the penalty of the law at the hands of the
Returning to Tennessee from Washington, he was attacked at Liberty,
Virginia, by a mob, but drove them back with his pistol. At Lynchburg he was
hooted and hissed, and at various places burned in effigy. He attended the East
Tennessee union convention, in Cincinnati, 30 May, and again on 19 June he
visited the same place and was received with enthusiasm. Here he declared for a
vigorous prosecution of the war he retained his seat in the senate until
appointed by President Lincoln military governor of Tennessee, 4 March,
On 12 March he reached Nashville, and organized a provisional government for
the state. On 18 March he issued a proclamation, in which he appealed to the
people to return to their allegiance, to uphold the law, and to accept "a
full and competent amnesty for all past acts and declarations." He
required the city council to take the oath of allegiance to the United States.
They refused, and he removed them and appointed others. He urged the holding of
Union meetings throughout the state, and frequently attended them in person. It
was chiefly due to his courage that Nashville was held against a Confederate
force. He completed the railroad from Nashville to Tennessee river, and raised
25 regiments for service in the state.
On 8 December, 1862, he issued a proclamation ordering congressional
elections, and on the 15th levied an assessment upon the richer southern
sympathizers, "in behalf of the many helpless widows, wives, and
children in the city of Nashville who have been reduced to poverty and
wretchedness in consequence of their husbands, sons, and fathers having been
forced into the armies of this unholy and nefarious rebellion." On 20
February, 1863, Governor Johnson issued a proclamation warning the agents of all
"traitors" to retain their collections until some person should
be appointed to receive them for the United States. During the term of his
service, Governor Johnson exercised absolute and autocratic powers, but with
singular moderation and discretion, and his course strengthened the Union cause
in Tennessee.
The Republican convention assembled in Baltimore, 6 June, 1864, and
re-nominated Mr. Lincoln for the presidency by acclamation. There was a strong
sentiment in favor of recognizing the political sacrifices made for the cause of
the Union by the war Democrats, and it was generally conceded that New York
should decide who was to be the individual. Daniel S. Dickinson, of that state,
was most, prominent in this connection; but internal factional divisions made it
impossible for him to obtain the solid vote of that state, and Sec. Seward's
friends feared this nomination would force him from the cabinet. Henry J.
Raymond urged the name of Andrew Johnson, and he was accordingly selected.
Johnson, in his letter of acceptance, virtually disclaimed any departure from
his principles as a Democrat, but placed his acceptance upon the ground of "the
higher duty of first preserving the government." He accepted the emancipation
proclamation as a war measure, to be subsequently ratified by constitutional
amendment. In his inaugural address as vice president, 4 March, 1865, a lack of
dignity in his bearing and an incoherency in his speech were attributed to the
influence of strong drink. As a matter of fact, he was much worn by disease, and
had taken a little stimulant to aid him in the ordeal of inauguration, and in
his weakened condition the effect was more decided than he anticipated. This
explanation was generally accepted by the country On 14 April, 1865, President
Lincoln was assassinated, and Mr. Johnson was at once sworn in as president, at,
his rooms in the Kirkwood house, by Chief-Justice Chase. In his remarks to those
present Mr. Johnson said: "As to an indication of any policy which may
be pursued by me in the administration of the government, I have to say that
that must be left for development as the administration progresses. The message
or declaration must be made by the acts as they transpire. The only assurance I
can now give of the future is reference to the past."
In his addresses to various delegations that called upon him, he emphasized
the fact that he advocated a course of forbearance toward the mass of the
southern people, but demanded punishment for those who had been leaders. "Treason
is a crime," he said to the Illinois delegation, "and must be
punished." At the time it was generally supposed that Johnson, who was
known to be personally embittered against the dominant classes in the south,
would inaugurate a reign of terror and decimate those who had taken up arms
against the national authority. His protest against the terms of surrender
granted to General Lee by General
Grant, and utterances in private conversation, strengthened the fear that he
would be too bloody and vindictive. He was supposed not to have been in accord
with the humane policy that Lincoln had foreshadowed, and his silence in
reference to Lincoln's policy, which amounted to ignoring it, was accepted as a
proof that he did not intend to follow this course. On one occasion he said: "In
regard to my future course, I will now make no professions, no pledges." And
again: " My past life, especially my course during the present unholy
rebellion, is before you. I have no principles to retract. I defy any one to
point to any of my public acts at variance with the fixed principles which have
guided me through life."
It was evident that the difference in views of public policy, which were kept
in abeyance during the war, would now come to the surface. The surrender of
General Joseph E. Johnston's army, 26 April, 1865, was practically the end of
the war (although 20 August, 1866, was officially fixed as the close of the
civil war by the second section of the act of 2 March, 1867), and on 29 April
President Johnson issued a proclamation for the removal of trade restrictions in
most of the insurrectionary states, which, being in contravention of an act of
congress, was subsequently modified. On 9 Nay, 1865, he issued a proclamation
restoring Virginia to the Union, and on 29 May all ports except four in Texas
were opened to foreign commerce. On 29 May a general amnesty was declared to all
except fourteen specified classes of citizens. Among the number excepted were "all
participants in the rebellion the estimated value of whose taxable property is
over twenty thousand dollars."
This exception was undoubtedly the result of personal feeling on the part of
the president, it began to be perceived that a change was taking place in his
sentiments, and this was attributed to the influence of Sec. Seward, who was
popularly supposed to perpetuate the humane spirit of the dead president. Those
who had fears of too great, severity now anticipated too great leniency. After
the amnesty proclamation, the fundamental and irreconcilable difference between
President Johnson and the party that had elevated him to power became more
apparent. The constitution made no provision for the re-admission of a state
that had withdrawn from the Union, and Mr. Johnson, as a state-rights Democrat,
held that the southern states had never been out of the Union; that the leaders
were solely responsible; that as soon as the seceded states applied for
readmission under such a form of government as complied with the requirements of
the constitution, the Federal government had no power to refuse them admission,
or to make any conditions upon subjects over which the constitution had not
expressly given congress jurisdiction. The Republican leaders held that the
action of the seceded states had deprived them of their rights as members of the
Union; that in any event they were conquered, and as such at the mercy of the
conqueror; and that, at best, they stood in the category of territories seeking
admission to the Union, in which case congress could admit or reject them at
will. The particular question that brought on a clash between these principles
was the civil status of the Negro.
The 13th amendment became a law, 18 December,
1865, with Johnson's concurrence. The Republicans held that slavery had been the
cause of the war; that only by giving the freedman the right to vote could he be
protected, and the results of the war secured; and that no state should be
admitted until it had granted the right of suffrage to the Negroes within its
borders. Johnson held this to be a matter of internal regulation, beyond the
control of congress. From 9 Nay till 13 July he appointed provisional governors
for seven states, whose duties were to reorganize the governments. The state
governments were organized, but passed such stringent laws in reference to the Negroes
that the Republicans declared it was a worse form of slavery than the old. When
congress met in December, 1865, it was overwhelmingly Republican and firmly
determined to protect the Negro against outrage and oppression. The first breach
between the president and the party in power was the veto of the freedman's
bureau bill in February, 1866, which was designed to protect the Negroes. One of
the grounds of the veto was, that it had been passed by a congress in which the
southern states had no representatives.
On 27 March the president vetoed the civil rights bill, which made freedmen
citizens without the right of suffrage. The chief ground of objection was the
interference with the rights of the states. This bill was passed over the veto.
On 16 June the 14th amendment to the constitution, which contained the principle
of the civil rights bill, was proposed, disapproved by the president, but
ratified and declared in force, 28 July, 1868. Both houses of congress passed a
joint resolution that the delegation from a state lately in rebellion should not
be received by either the senate or the house until both united in declaring
said state a member of the Union. In July the second freedman's bureau bill was
passed, vetoed, and passed over the veto. In June, 1866, the Republicans in
congress brought forward their plan of reconstruction, which was called the "congressional
plan," in contra-distinction to the president's plan, of which he spoke
as "my policy." The chief features of the congressional plan
were, to give the Negroes the right to vote, to protect them in this right, and
to prevent the Confederate leaders from voting. Congress met on 3 December,
1866. The bill giving Negroes the right of suffrage in the District of Columbia
was passed over a veto. An attempt was made to impeach the president, but it
In January, 1867, a bill was passed to deprive the president of the power to
proclaim general amnesty, which he disregarded. Measures were adopted looking to
the meeting of the 40th and all subsequent congresses immediately upon the
adjournment of the predecessor. The president was deprived of the command of the
army by a "rider" to the army appropriation bill, which
provided that his orders should only be given through the general, who was not
to be removed without the previous consent of the senate. The bill admitting
Nebraska provided that no law should ever be passed in that state denying the
right of suffrage to any person because of his color or race. This was vetoed,
and passed over the veto. On 2 March, 1867, the "bill to provide
efficient governments for the insurrectionary states," which embodied
the congressional plan of reconstruction, was passed, vetoed, and passed over
the veto. This divided the southern states into military districts, each under a
brigadier-general, who was to preserve order and exercise all the functions of
government until the citizens had formed a state government, ratified the
amendments, and been admitted to the Union.
On 2 March, 1867, the tenure-of-office bill was passed over the veto. This
provided that civil officers should remain in office until the confirmation of
their successors; that the members of the cabinet should be removed only with
the consent of the senate; and that when congress was not in session, the
president could suspend, but not remove, any official, and in case the senate at
the next session should not ratify the suspension, the suspended official should
be re-inducted into his office. The elections of 1866 were uniformly favorable
to the Republicans, and gave them a two-third majority in both house and senate.
On 5 August, 1867, the president, requested Edwin M. Stanton to resign his
office as secretary of war. Mr. Stanton refused, was suspended, and General
Grant was appointed in his place. When congress met, it refused to ratify the
suspension. General Grant then resigned, and Mr. Stanton again entered upon the
duties of his office. The president removed him, and appointed Lorenzo Thomas,
adjutant-general, United States army. The senate declared this act illegal, and
Mr. Stanton refused to comply, and notified the speaker of the house.
On 24 February, 1868, the house passed a resolution for the impeachment of
the president. The trial began on 5 March. The main articles of impeachment were
for violating the provisions of the tenure-of-office act, which it was claimed
he had done in order to test its constitutionality. After the trial began, the
president made a tour through the northwest, which was called "swinging
round the circle," because in his speeches he declared that he had
swung around the entire circle of offices, from alderman to president. He made
many violent and intemperate speeches to the crowds that assembled to meet him,
and denounced the congress then sitting as "no congress,"
because of its refusal to admit the representatives and senators from the south,
and on these speeches were based additional articles of impeachment. On 16 May
the test vote was had. Thirty-five senators were for conviction and nineteen for
acquittal. A change of one vote would have carried conviction. The senate
adjourned sine die, and a verdict of acquittal was entered.
After the expiration of his term the president returned to Tennessee. He was
a candidate for the United States senate, but was defeated. In 1872 he was a
candidate for congressman from the state-at-large, and, though defeated, he
regained his hold upon the people of the state, and in January, 1875, was
elected to the senate, taking his seat at the extra session of 1875. Two weeks
after the session began he made a speech which was a skilful but bitter attack
upon General Grant. He returned home at the end
of the session, and in July visited his daughter, who lived near Carter's
station in east Tennessee. There he was stricken with paralysis, 29 July, and
died the next day. He was buried at Greenville. His "Speeches"
were published with a biographical introduction by Frank Moore (Boston, 1865),
and his "Life and Times" were written by an anonymous author
(New York, 1866). See also " The Tailor Boy" (Boston, 1865),
and "The Trial of Andrew Johnson on Impeachment" (3 vols.,
Washington, 1868).-
-His wife, Eliza McCardle Johnson, born in Leesburg, Washington County,
Tennessee, 4 October, 1810; died in Home, Greene County, Tenn., 15 January,
1876, was the only daughter of a widow in Greenville, Tennessee On 27 May, 1826,
she married Andrew Johnson, and devoted herself to his interests and education,
contributing effectually toward his future career. She remained in Greenville
while he served in the legislature, and in 1861 spent two months in Washington
while Mr. Johnson was in the senate.
Owing to impaired health she returned to Greenville, and while there received
an order, dated 24 April, 1862, requiring her to pass beyond the Confederate
lines through Nashville in thirty-six hours. This was impossible, owing to her
illness, and she therefore remained in Greenville all summer, hearing constantly
rumors of Mr. Johnson's murder. In September she applied for permission to cross
the line, and, accompanied by her children and Mr. Daniel Stover, she began her
journey to Nashville. At Murfreesboro they were met by General Forrest, who
detained them until Isham G. Harris and Andrew Ewing obtained permission from
the authorities at Richmond for them to pass. Mrs. Johnson joined her husband at
Nashville. During her residence in Washington Mrs. Johnson appeared in Society
as little as possible.
Their daughter, Martha Johnson, born in Greenville, Tennessee, 25 October,
1828, was educated in Georgetown, D. C., and during her school life was a
frequent guest in the White House in President Polk's administration. She
returned to east Tennessee in 1851, and on 13 December, 1857, married Judge
David T. Patterson. She presided at the White House in place of her invalid
mother, and, with her sister, assisted in the first reception that was held by
President Johnson, 1 January, 1866. During the early spring an appropriation of
830,000 was made by congress to refurnish the executive mansion, and Mrs.
Patterson superintended the purchases.
Another daughter, Mary Johnson, born in Greenville, Tennessee, 8 May,
1832; died in Bluff City, Tennessee, 19 April, 1883, married Daniel Stover, of
Carter county, who died in 1862, and in 1869 she married William R. Bacon, of
Greenville. Tenn. She resided at the White House from August, 1865, until a
short time before the expiration of her father's term.
Presidents of the Continental
United Colonies of The United States
5, 1774 to October 22, 1774
and May 20 to May 24, 1775
Henry Middleton
October 22, 1774 to October 26, 1774
27, 1775 to July 1, 1776
of the Continental Congress
United States of America
2, 1776 to October 29, 1777
1, 1777 to December 9, 1778
10, 1778 to September 28, 1779
September 28, 1779 to February 28, 1781
Presidents of the United States
in Congress Assembled
1st President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
March 1, 1781 to July 6, 1781
2nd President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
July 10, 1781 to November 5, 1781
3rd President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
November 5, 1781 to November 4, 1782
4th President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
November 4, 1782 to November 3, 1783
5th President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
November 3, 1783 to June 3, 1784
Henry Lee
6th President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
November 30, 1784 to November 23, 1785
President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
November 23, 1785 to June 6, 1786
President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
June 1786 - November 13, 1786
St. Clair
9th President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
February 2, 1787 to October 29, 1787
President of the United States
in Congress Assembled
January 22, 1788 to March 4, 1789
Presidents of the United States
under the
United States Constitution
Washington (F)
John Adams (F)
Thomas Jefferson (D-R)
James Madison (D-R)
James Monroe (D-R)
John Quincy Adams (D-R)
Jackson (D)
Martin Van Buren (D)
William H. Harrison (W)
John Tyler (W)
James K. Polk (D)
David Atchison (D)*
Zachary Taylor (W)
Fillmore (W)
Pierce (D)
Buchanan (D)
Abraham Lincoln (R)
Jefferson Davis (D)**
Andrew Johnson (R)
Ulysses S. Grant (R)
B. Hayes (R)
James A. Garfield (R)
Chester Arthur (R)
Cleveland (D)
Benjamin Harrison (R)
Grover Cleveland (D)
William McKinley (R)
Theodore Roosevelt (R)
William H. Taft (R)
Wilson Woodrow (D)
G. Harding (R)
Calvin Coolidge (R)
Herbert C. Hoover (R)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
Harry S. Truman (D)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (R)
John F. Kennedy (D)
Lyndon B. Johnson (D)
Richard M. Nixon (R)
Gerald R. Ford (R)
James Earl Carter, Jr. (D)
Ronald Wilson Reagan (R)
George H. W. Bush (R)
William Jefferson Clinton (D)
George W. Bush (R)
for One Day
**President Confederate States of America
Order of Presidential Succession
The Vice President
Speaker of the House
President pro tempore of the Senate
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
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not affiliated with the authors of these links nor responsible for its content.
Presidential Libraries
B. Hayes Presidential Center
Memorial Library
Hoover Presidential Library and Museum - has research collections containing
papers of Herbert Hoover and other 20th century leaders.
D. Roosevelt Library and Museum - Repository of the records of President
Franklin Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor Roosevelt, managed by the National
Archives and Records Administration.
S. Truman Library & Museum
D. Eisenhower Presidential Library - preserves and makes available for
research the papers, audiovisual materials, and memorabilia of Dwight and Mamie
D. Eisenhower
Fitzgerald Kennedy Library
B. Johnson Library and Museum
Nixon Library and Birthplace Foundation
R. Ford Library and Museum
Carter Library
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
- 40th President: 1981-1989.
Bush Presidential Library