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Samuel Finley Breese Morse


By  Monique M. - Gotha Middle School, Windermere, Florida.

Samuel Finley Breese Morse
(Apr. 27,1791-Apr. 2. 1872)
Developed the first real telegraph in the U.S., and invented the Morse code. Morse also became one of the first well-known portrait painters.

Early Life
Samuel Morse: a man, an artist, and an inventor. He knew as a childhood love, he was an artist. But the thing he did not know was that out of his love of art and curiosity would come an invention. His invention, now obsolete, was a great weapon of war and means of communication for everyone. Born April 27, 1791, in Charleston, Mass. Morse was the oldest son of Rev. Jedidiah Morse and Elizabeth Ann Breese. From early on in his childhood he had a talent in his art. At the age of eight Morse was taken to Phillips Academy, where his father was a trustee. He was taken to Phillips Academy, where his father was a trustee. He was unhappy under their rule, and twice as homesick, so he fled back to Charleston. He entered Yale at 1805, was called home, and did not graduate till 1810. His classmates at Yale admired his art, and he was unknown for his miniatures in ivory. After his graduation all he wanted to do was study art. His father opposed the idea. That was the start of all his work.

Hard work had its rewards. His first achievement was of his first love.... Art! Morse modeled a figure of Hercules in clay. A professor liked it so much, he told Morse to enter it in a competition. He won the gold medal. Morse submitted another painting, and it was among the top nine out of the thousands in the exhibit. He returned to Boston hoping to sell his art. He went through many years before he came the well-known portrait painter. Socially Morse was successful, but people visited his studio to see his art, but not buy it. As a young artist in London, he disdained portrait painting. Portraits are all Americans would buy. Morse wanted to do more then paint portraits. He wanted to do historical pictures. There his love for art deflated.

Morse became interested in telegraph in 1832. There was lots of work to do. The work wasn't easy, and he did know how long it would be till Congress accepted. Morse had no money so he couldn't buy insulated wire. After five years of work, he was ready to demonstrate the telegraph. He hoped the men who saw it would like it and invest. Those who did see it found it amusing but did not invest. Watching the demonstration was a university student Alfred Vail. His father and brother had an iron and brass work. Vail promised to build a sturdier model of the telegraph, so Morse made him a partner. In 1838, Morse took the new telegraph to Washington to get money from the Congress to test it. They refused. In 1842 he prepared a dramatic presentation. Using tar, pitch, and rubber, he waterproofed two miles of wire. He strung the rope underwater. In front of crowds, a ship caught the line and cut it. In 1843 he made one more attempt to interest Congress. They passed a 30,000 bill to test it. On May 24, 1844 Morse tapped out his famous message, "What hath God wrought." Within twelve years Morse and his telegraph were known throughout the United States and Europe. Telegraph companies gave banquets to Morse.

Morse won wealth and fame. A group of European countries gave him a cash reward of 400,000 francs. Morse was an honorary member of society. At that time he made an effort to paint but saw the skill was left. Telegraph operators of America gave him the honor of unveiling a statue of him. His health was now failing. The statue was unveiled on June 10, 1871; he died the next year.
Morse: the inventor whose death was commemorated. Though his invention is now obsolete, he remains the greatest figure in the history of telegraph. Recognizing him as an artist has come slowly. He was the long time forgotten painter. In the minds of people of his time, he was a great speaker, a quack maybe. He spoke of his dream and made it happen. Morse was a long motivated man. Never stopping, never giving up. Only improving his device, till he got personal and world satisfaction. A man many people should look to, to see why you should never give up. That is why he is still in the minds of Congress today. He is forgotten role model of people. He never did or could get enough recognition. Just improving the world a little more. Samuel Morse: a man, an artist, an inventor, and a quack; also a man of dreams. He is "The Forgotten Painter."


Morse, Samuel
Guide to Morse Code
Washington D.C., Orbis Publishing,

Websters College Dictionary
Ashland, Ohio, Landoll, 1993

World Book Encyclopedia,
U.S.A, Field Enterprises Corp.,

Copyright© 2001 by VirtualologyTM


Morse, Samuel Finley Breese , founder of the American system of electro-magnetic telegraph, born in Charlestown, Mass., 27 April, 1791; died in New York City, 2 April, 1872. was graduated at Yale in 1810, and in that institution received his first instruction in electricity from Prof. Jeremiah Day, also attending the elder Silliman's lectures on chemistry and galvanism. In 1809 he wrote : " Mr. Day's lectures are very interesting; they are upon electricity; he has given us some very fine experiments, the whole class, taking hold of hands, form the circuit of communication, and we all received the shock apparently at the same moment. I never took an electric shock before; it felt as if some person had struck me a slight blow across the arms." 

His college career was perhaps more strongly marked by his fondness for art than for science, and he employed his leisure time in painting. He wrote to his parents during the senior year: "My price is five dollars for a miniature on ivory, and I have engaged three or four at that price. My price for profiles is one dollar, and everybody is willing to engage me at that price." When he was released from his college duties, he had no profession in view, but to be a painter was his ambition, and so he began art studies under Washington Allston, and in 1811 accompanied him to London, where soon afterward he was admitted to the Royal academy. He remained in London for four years, meeting many celebrities and forming an intimate friendship with Charles R. Leslie, who became his room-mate. Under the tuition of Allston and Benjamin West he made rapid progress in his art, and in 1813 exhibited a colossal "Dying Hercules" in the Royal academy, which was classed by critics as among the first twelve paintings there. The plaster model that he made to assist him in his picture gained the gold medal of the Adelphi society of arts. This was given when Great Britain and the United States were at war, and was cited as an illustration of the impartiality with which American artists were treated by England. The first portrait that he painted abroad was of Leslie, who paid him a similar compliment, and later he executed one of Zerah Colburn. He then set to work on an historical composition to be offered in competition for the highest premium of tile Royal academy, but, as he was obliged to return to the United States in August, 1815, this project was abandoned. Settling in Boston, he opened a studio in that city, but, while visitors were glad to admire his "Judgment of Jupiter," his patrons were few. Finding no opportunities for historic painting, he turned his attention to portraits during 1816-'17, visiting the larger towns of Vermont and New Hampshire.

Meanwhile he was associated with his brother Sidney E. Morse, in the invention of an improved pump. In January, 1818, he went to Charleston. S. C., and there painted many portraits, his orders at one time exceeding 150 in number. On 18 Oct., 1818, he married Lucretia Walker in Concord, N. H., but in the following winter he returned to Charleston, where he wrote to his old preceptor, Washington Allston : " I am painting from morning till night, and have continual applications." Among his orders was a commission from the city authorities for a portrait of James Monroe, then president of the United States, which he painted in Washington, and which, on its completion, was placed in the city hall of Charleston. 

In 1823 he settled in New York city, and after hiring as his studio "a fine room on Broadway, opposite Trinity churchyard," he continued his painting of portraits, one of the first being that of Chancellor Kent, which was followed soon afterward by a picture of Fitz-Greene Halleck, now in the Astor library, and a full-length portrait of Lafayette for the city of New York. During his residence there he became associated with other artists in founding the New York drawing association, of which he was made president. This led in 1826 to the establishment of the National academy of the arts of design, to include representations from the arts of painting, sculpture, architecture, and engraving. Morse was chosen its president, and so remained until 1842. He was likewise president of the Sketch club, an assemblage of artists that met weekly to sketch for an hour, after which the time was devoted to social entertainment, including a supper of "milk and honey, raisins, apples, and crackers." About this time he delivered a series of lectures on "The Fine Arts " before the New York athenveum, which are said to have been the first on that subject in the United States. Thus he continued until 1829, when he again visited Europe for study, and for three years resided abroad, principally is{ Paris and the art centers of Italy.

During 1826-'7 Prof. James F. Dana lectured on electro-magnetism and electricity before the New York athenaeum. Mr. Morse was a regular attendant, and, being a friend of Prof. Dana, had frequent discussions with him on the subject of his lectures. But the first ideas of a practical application of electricity seem to have come to him while he was in Paris. James Fenimore Cooper refers to the event thus: " Our worthy friend first communicated to us his ideas on the subject of using the electric spark by way of a telegraph. It was in Paris, and during the winter of 1831-'2." On 1 Oct., 1832, he sailed from Havre on the packet-ship "Sully " for New York, and among his fellow-passengers was Charles T. Jackson (q. v,.), then lately from the laboratories of the great French physicists, where he had made special studies in electricity and magnetism. A conversation in the early part of the voyage turned on the recent experiments of Ampere with the electro-magnet. When the question whether the velocity of electricity is retarded bv the length of tile wire was asked, Dr. Jackson replied, referring to Benjamin Franklin's experiments, that "electricity passes instantaneously over any known length of wire." Morse then said : "If the presence of electricity can be made visible in any part of the circuit, I see no reason why intelligence may not be transmitted instantaneously by electricity." 

The idea took fast hold of him, and thenceforth all his energy was devoted to the development of the electric telegraph. He said: "If it will go ten miles without stopping, 1 can snake it go around the globe." At once, while on board the vessel, he set to work and devised the dot-and-dash alphabet. The electro-magnetic and chemical recording telegraph essentially as it now exists was planned and drawn on shipboard, but he did not produce his working model till 1835 nor his relay till later. His brothers placed at his disposal a room on the fifth floor of the building on the corner of Nassau and Beeksnan streets, which he used as his studio, workshop, bedchamber, and kitchen. In this room, with his own hands, he first cut his models; then from these he made the moulds and castings, and in the lathe, with the graver's tools, he gave them polish and finish. 

In 1835 he was appointed professor of the literature of the arts of design in the University of the city of New York, and he occupied front rooms on the third floor in the north wing of the university building, looking out on Washington square. Here he made his apparatus, "made as it was," he says, " and completed before the first of the year 1836. I was enabled to and did mark down telegraphic intelligible signs, and to make and did snake distinguishable signs for telegraphing; and, having arrived at that point, I exhibited it to some of my friends early in that year, and among others to Prof. Leonard D. Gale." His discovery of the relay in 1835 made it possible for him to re-enforce the current after it had become feeble owing to its distance from the source, thus making possible transmission from one point on a main line, through great distances, by a single act of a single operator. In 1836-'7 he directed his experiments mainly to modifying the marking apparatus, and later in varying the modes of uniting, experimenting with plumbago and various kinds of inks or coloring-matter, substituting a pen for a pencil, and devising a mode of writing on a whole sheet of paper instead of on a strip of ribbon. 

In September, 1837, the instrument was shown in the cabinet of the university to numerous visitors, operating through a circuit of 1,700 feet of wire that ran back and forth in that room. At this time the apparatus, which is shown in the accompanying illustration, was described by Prof. Leonard D. Gale as consisting of a train of clock-wheels to regulate the motion of a strip of paper about one and a half inches wide ; three cylinders of wood, A, B, and C, over which the paper passed, and which were controlled by the clock-work D that was moved by the weight E.  A wooden pendulum, F, was suspended over tile centre of the cylinder B. In the lower part of the pendulum was fixed a ease in which a pencil moved easily and was kept in contact with the paper by a light weight G. At H was an electromagnet, whose armature was fixed on the pendulum. The wire from the helices of the magnet passed to onto pole of the battery I, and the other to the cup of mercury at K. The other pole of the battery was connected by a wire to the other cup of mercury, J. 

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The port rule represented below the table contained two cylinders connected by a band. M shows the composing-stick in which the type were set. At one end of the lever O was a fork of copper wire, which was plunged when the lever was depressed into the two cups of mercury J and K, while the other end was kept down by means of a weight. A series of thin plates of type metal, eleven in number, having one to five cogs each, except one which was used as a space, completed the apparatus. His application for a patent, dated 28 Sept., 1837, was filed as a caveat at the U. S. patent-office, and in December of the same year he made a formal request of congress for aid to build a telegraph-line. The committee on commerce of the house of representatives, to which the petition had been referred, reported favorably, but the session closed without any action being taken. Francis O. J. Smith, of Spaine, chairman of the committee, became impressed with the value of this new application of electricity, and formed a partnership with Mr. Morse. In May, 1838, Morse went to Europe in the hope of interesting foreign governments in the establishment of telegraph-lines, but he was unsuccessful in London. He obtained a patent in France, but it was practically useless, as it required the inventor to put his discovery into operation within two years, and telegraphs being a government monopoly no private lines were permissible. Mr. Morse was received with distinction by scientists in each country, and his apparatus was exhibited under the auspices of tile Academy of sciences in Paris, and the Rowel society in London.

After an absence of eleven months he returned to New York in May, 1839, as he writes to Mr. Smith, "without a farthing in my pocket, and have to borrow even for my meals, and, even worse than this, I have incurred a debt of rent by my absence." Four years of trouble and almost abject poverty followed, and at times he was reduced to such want that for twenty-four hours he was without food. His only support was derived from a few students that he taught art, and occasional portraits that he was commissioned to paint. In the mean time, his foreign competitors --Wheat-stone in England, and Steinheil in Bavaria-- were receiving substantial aid. and making efforts to induce congress to adopt their systems in the United States, while Norse, struggling to persuade his own countrymen of the merits of his system, although it was conceded by scientists to be the best he was unable to accomplish anything. He persisted in bringing the matter before congress after congress, until at last a bill granting him $30,000 was passed by the house on 23 Feb., 1842, by a majority of eight, the vote standing 90 to 82. On the last day of the session he left the capitol thoroughly disheartened, but found next morning that his bill had been rushed through the senate without division on the night of 3 March, 1843. 

There were yet many difficulties to be overcome, and with renewed energy he began to work. His intention was to place the wires in leaden pipes, buried in the earth. This proved impracticable, and other methods were devised. Ezra Cornell (q. v.) then became associated with him, and was charged with the laying of the wires, and after various accidents it was ultimately decided to suspend the wires, insulated, on poles in the air. These difficulties had not been considered, as it was supposed that the method of burying the wires, which had been adopted abroad, would prove successful. Nearly a year had been exhausted in making experiments, and the congressional appropriation was nearly consumed before the system of poles was resorted to. The construction of the line between Baltimore and Washington, a distance of about forty miles, was quickly accomplished, and on 11 May, 1844, Mr. Morse wrote to his assistant, Alfred Vail, in Baltimore, "Everything worked well." Among the earliest messages, while the line was still in an experimental condition, was one from Baltimore announcing the nomination of Henry Clay to the presidency by the Whig convention in that city. The news was conveyed on the railroad to the nearest point that had been reached by the telegraph, and thence instantly transmitted over the wires to Washington. An hour later passengers arriving at Washington were surprised to find that the news had preceded them. By the end of the month communication between the two cities was complete, and practically perfect. 

The day that was chosen for the public exhibition was 24 May, 1844, when Mr. Morse invited his friends to assemble in the chamber of the U. S. Supreme Court, in the capitol, at Washington, while his assistant, Mr. Vail, was in Baltimore, at the Mount Claire depot. Miss Annie G. Ellsworth, daughter of Henry L. Ellsworth. then commissioner of patents, chose the words of the message. As she had been the first to announce to Mr. Morse the passage of the bill granting the appropriation to build the line, he had promised her this distinction. She selected the words "What hath God wrought," taken from Numbers xxiii., 23. They were received at once by Mr. Vail, and sent back again in an instant. The strip of paper on which the telegraphic characters were printed was claimed by Gov. Thomas H. Seymour, of Connecticut, on the ground that Miss Ellsworth was a native of Hartford, and is now preserved in the archives by the Hartford athenaeum. Two days later the national Democratic convention met in Baltimore and nominated James K. Polk for the presidency. Silas Wright, of New York, was then chosen for the vice-presidency, and the information was immediately conveyed by telegraph to Morse, and by him communicated to Mr. Wright, then in the senate chamber. A few minutes later the convention was astonished by receiving a telegram from Mr. Wright declining the nomination. The despatch was at once read before the convention, but the members were so incredulous that there was an adjournment to await the report of a committee that was sent to Washington to get reliable information on the subject.

Morse offered his telegraph to the U. S. government for $100,000, but, while $8,000 was voted for maintenance of the initial line, any further expenditure in that direction was declined. The patent then passed into private hands, and the Morse system became the property of a joint-stock company called the Magnetic telegraph company. Step by step, sometimes with rapid strides, but persistently, the telegraph spread over the United States, although not without accompanying difficulties. Morse's patents were violated, his honor disputed, and even his integrity was assailed, and rival companies devoured for a time all the profits of the business, but after a series of vexatious lawsuits his rights were affirmed by the U. S. supreme court. In 1846 he was granted an extension of his patent, and ultimately the Morse system was adopted in France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Australia. The following statement, made in 1869 by the Western Union telegraph company, the largest corporation of its kind in the world, is still true: " Nearly all the machinery employed by the company belongs to the Morse system. This telegraph is now used almost exclusively everywhere, and the time will probably never come when it will cease to be the leading system of the world. Of more than a hundred devices that have been made to supersede it, not one has succeeded in accomplishing its purpose, and it is used at the present time upon more than ninety-five per cent of all the telegraph-lines in existence." 

The establishment of the submarine telegraph is likewise due to Morse. In October, 1842, he made experiments with a cable between Castle Garden and Governor's island. The results were sufficient to show the practicability of such an undertaking. Later he held the office of electrician to the New York, Newfoundland, and London telegraph company, organized for the purpose of laying a cable across the Atlantic ocean. While in Paris during March, 1839, Morse, met Daguerre, and became acquainted with his process of reproducing pictures by the action of sunlight on silver salts. He had previously experimented in the same lines while residing in New Haven, but without success. In June of the same year, after the French government had purchased the method from Daguerre, he communicated the details to Morse, who succeeded in acquiring the process, and was associated with John W. Draper (q. v.) in similar experiments. For some time afterward, until the telegraph absorbed his attention, he was engaged in experimenting toward the perfecting of the daguerreotype, and he shares with Prof. Draper the honor of being the first to make photographs of living persons. 

Morse also patented a machine for cutting marble in 1823, by which he hoped to be able to produce perfect copies of any model. In 1847 he purchased property on the east bank of the Hudson, near Poughkeepsie, which he called "Locust Grove," where, after his marriage in 1848 to Sarah E. Griswold, he dispensed a generous hospitality, entertaining eminent artists and other notable persons. Soon afterward he bought a city residence on Twenty-second street, where he spent the winters, and on whose front since his death a marble tablet has been inserted, bearing the inscription, "In this house S. F. B. Norse lived for many years and died."

He had many honors. Yale gave him the degree of LL. D. in 1846, and in 1842 the American institute gave him its gold medal for his experiments. In 1830 he was elected a corresponding member of the Historical institute of France, in 1837 a member of the Royal academy of fine arts in Belgium, in 1841 corresponding member of the National institution for the promotion of science in Washington, in 1845 corresponding member of the Archaeological society of Belgium, in 1848 a member of the American philosophical society, and in 1849 a fellow of the American academy of arts and sciences. The sultan of Turkey presented him in 1848 with the decoration of Nishan Htichar, or order of glory, set in diamonds. A golden snuff-box, containing the Prussian golden medal for scientific merit, was sent him in 1851; the great gold medal of arts and sciences was awarded him by Whrtemberg in 1852, and in 1855 the emperor of Austria sent him the great gold medal of science and art. France made him a chevalier of the Legion of honor in 1856, Denmark conferred on him the cross of the order of the Dannebrog in 1856, Spain gave him the honor of knighthood and made him commander of the royal order of Isabella the Catholic in 1859, Portugal made him a knight of the tower and sword in 1860, and Italy conferred on him the insignia of chevalier of the royal order of Saints Lazaro Mauritio in 1864. 

In 1856 the telegraph companies of Great Britain gave him a banquet in London. At the instance of Napoleon III., emperor of the French, representatives of France, Austria, Sweden, Russia, Sardinia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Holland, the Papal States, and Tuscany, met in Paris during August, 1858, to decide upon a collective testimonial to Norse, and the result, of their deliberations was a vote of 400,000 francs. During the same year the American colony of France entertained him at a dinner given in Paris, over which John S. Preston presided. On the occasion of his later visits to Europe he was received with great distinction. As he was returning from abroad in 1868 he received an invitation from his fellow-citizens, who united in saying "Many of your fellow countrymen and numerous personal friends desire to give a definite expression of the fact that this country is in full accord with European nations in acknowledging your title to the position of the father of the modern telegraph, and at the same time in a fitting manner to welcome you to your home." The day selected was 30 Dec., 1868. and Salmon P. Chase, chief justice of the U. S. supreme court, presided at the banquet in New York. On 10 June, 1871, he was further honored by the erection of a bronze statue of himself in Central park. Voluntary contributions had been gathered for two years from those who in various ways were connected with the electric telegraph. The statue is of heroic size, modeled by Byron M. Pickett, and represents Norse as holding the first message that was sent over the wires. In the evening of the same day a reception was held in the Academy of music, at which many eminent men of the nation were present. At the hour of nine the chairman announced that the telegraphic instrument before him, tile original register employed in actual service, was connected with all the wires of the United States, and that the touch of the finger on the key would soon vibrate throughout the continent. The following message was then sent : " Greeting and thanks to the telegraph fraternity throughout the land. Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will to men." At the last click of the instrument, Morse struck the sounder with his own name, amid the most extravagant applause. When the excitement had subsided, the chairman said : " Thus the father of the telegraph bids farewell to his children." 

The last public service that he performed was the unveiling of the statue of Benjamin Franklin in Printing house square, on 17 Jan., 1872, in the presence of a vast number of citizens, he had cheerfully acceded to the request that he would perform this act, remarking that it would be his last. It was eminently appropriate that he should do this, for, as was said : " The one conducted the lightning safely from the sky; the other conducts it beneath the ocean, from continent to continent. The one tamed the lightning, the other makes it minister to human wants and human progress." Shortly after his return to his home he was seized with neuralgia in his head, and after a few months of suffering he died. Memorial sessions of congress and of various state legislatures were held in his honor "In person." says his biographer, "Prof. Morse was tall, slender, graceful, and attractive. Six feet in stature, he stood erect and firm even in his old age. His blue eyes were expressive of genius and affection. His nature was a rare combination of solid intellect and delicate sensibility. Thoughtful, sober, and quiet, he readily entered into the enjoyments of domestic and social life, indulging in sallies of humor, and readily appreciating and enjoying the wit of others. Dignified in his intercourse with men, courteous and affable with the gentler sex, he was a good has-band, a judicious father, a generous and faithful friend." 

He was a ready writer, and, in addition to several controversial pamphlets concerning the telegraph, he published poems and articles in the "North American Review." He edited the "Remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson" (New York, 1829), to which he added a personal memoir, and also published " Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States" (1835) ; "eminent Dangers to the Free institutions of the United States through Foreign Immigration, and the Present State of the Naturalization Laws, by an American," originally contributed to the "Journal of Commerce" in 1835, and published anonymously in 1854; "Confessions of a French Catholic Priest, to which are added Warnings to the People of the United States, by the same Author" (edited and published with an introduction, 1837); and "Our Liberties defended, the Question discussed, Is the Protestant or Papal System most Favorable to Civil and Religious Liberty?" (1841). See "Life of Samuel F. B. Morse," by Samuel Irenwus Prime (New York, 1875).-

Another son of Jedidiah Morse, Sidney Edwards Morse, journalist, born in Charlestown, Mass., 7 Feb., 1794; died in New York city, 24 Dec., 1871, was graduated at Yale in 1811, and studied theology at Andover seminary, and law at the Litchfield, Conn., school. Meanwhile he became a contributor to the "Columbian Centinel" of Boston, writing a series of articles that illustrated the danger to the American Union from an undue multiplication of new states in the south, and showing that it would give to a sectional minority the control of the government. These led to his being invited by Jeremiah Evarts and others to found a weekly religious newspaper, to which he gave the name "' Boston Recorder." He continued as sole editor and proprietor' of this journal for more than a year, and in this time raised its circulation until it was exceeded by that of only two Boston papers. Mr. Morse was then associated with his elder brother in patenting the flexible piston pump and extending its sale. In 1823 he came to New York, and with his brother, Richard C. Morse, founded the "New York Observer," now the oldest weekly in New York city, and the oldest religious newspaper in the state. tte continued as senior editor and proprietor until 1858, when he retired to private life. Mr. Morse in 1839 was associated with Henry A. Munson in the development of cerography, a method of printing maps in color on the common printing-press. The use of this process to illustrate the geographical text-books that he published, and in early life he assisted his father in the preparation of works of that character. The last years of his life were devoted to experimenting with an invention for the rapid exploration of the depths of the sea. This instrument, called a bathyometer, was exhibited at the World's fair in Paris in 1869, and during 1870 in New York city. His publications include "A New System of Modern Geography" (Boston, 1823), of which more than half a million copies were sold; " Premium Questions on Slavery" (New York, 1860); " North American Atlas "; and "Cerographic Maps, comprising the Whole Field of Ancient and Modern, including Sacred, Geography, Chronology, and History."

--Another son, Richard Cary Morse, journalist, born in Charlestown, Mass., 18 June, 1795; died in Kissingen, Bavaria, 23 Sept., 1868, was graduated at Yale in 1812, and spent the year following as amanuensis to President Timothy Dwight, with whose family he' resided, He then entered Andover theological seminary, and after his graduation in 1817 was licensed to preach in the same year. During the winter of 1817-'18 he acted as supply to the Presbyterian church on John's island, S. C., and on his return to New Haven he assisted his father in the preparation of his geographical works. In 1823, with his brother. Sidney E. Morse, he established the "New York Observer," of which he continued associate editor and part proprietor until his death, contributing largely to its columns, especially French and German translations. In 1858 he retired from active life, and in 1863 removed to New Haven, where he spent his last years. -- Edited American Biography Copyright© 2001 by VirtualologyTM

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practica de la electricidad fue el telégrafo, desarrollado por Samuel FB ...

Samuel FB Morse on the Internet
... Samuel FB Morse. [American ... The artwork of Samuel FB Morse
can be found in the following online exhibits: Museums ...

Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate - MORSE, Samuel FB
... MORSE, Samuel FB. ...

S Morse
American Bios Logo & Link. ... Samuel Morse. by Monique M. ... Bibliography: Morse,
Samuel Guide to Morse Code Washington DC, Orbis Publishing, 1962. ...

Samuel FB Morse
... .-
Samuel FB Morse. ...

Historic Speedwell - Morristown, NJ - Biographical Sketch: ...
Historic Speedwell ... Topic | Topic | Topic | Topic | Topic Samuel FB
Morse: A Biographical Sketch. return to top. . ...

Samuel FB Morse Historic Site
A visit to Locust Grove Home of Samuel FB Morse. What
Hath ... Site. Home of Samuel FB Morse Beautiful ...

Samuel FB Morse
Samuel FB Morse (1809-1865) Inventor of the telegraph and Morse Code. Morse, Samuel
Finley Breese was born in Charlestown, MA, part of modern Boston, on Apr. 27 ...

Samuel Fb Morse
... Samuel Fb Morse. 1791-1872. Painter & Inventor. ... World Book Encyclopedia, USA,
Field Enterprises Corp., 1976. Start your search on Samuel Fb Morse. ...

Samuel FB Morse Sent the First Telegraphic Message
... Western Expansion & Reform (1829-1859). Samuel FB Morse Sent
the First Telegraphic Message. Back. ...

Samuel FB Morse
... Samuel FB Morse. letter from Samuel F.B. Morse to his
brother Sidney letter from Samuel F.B. Morse ...

Samuel FB Morse
Samuel FB Morse. 1791--1872. By: Laura. ... Here are some useful links on Samuel
FB Morse: ...

Letter from Samuel FB Morse to Jonathan Denise Ledyard
Letter from Samuel FB Morse to Jonathan Denise Ledyard. The following letter, which
comes from the archives at the Lorenzo historical site in Cazenovia, New York ...

Samuel FB Morse
... Devised and accomplished the first telegraphic transmission.
For more information on Samuel FB Morse: ...

Letter from Samuel FB Morse to Elizabeth Breese, January 20 ...
... Letter from Samuel FB Morse (1791B 1872) to Elizabeth Breese, January 20 and 22,
1827. One leaf, folded to 24.8 x 20.1 cm, three pages. Breese and Morse Family ...

Samuel FB Morse : Artist With a Message
Home Children's Books People & Places Biographies Samuel FB Morse : Artist With
a Message by John Hudson, Tiner, Shirley Young (Illustrator) See More Details ...

Samuel FB Morse
... Samuel FB Morse : Artist with a Message / by John
H. Tiner, illustrated by Shirley Young. Book ...

Start your search on Samuel Morse.

The Congressional Evolution of the United States Henry Middleton

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