George Augustus Howe - A Klos Family Project

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George Augustus Howe
HOWE, George Augustus,
viscount, British soldier, born in England in 1724; died near Fort Ticonderoga,
New York, 5 July, 1758. His father, Emanuel Scrope, was second Viscount Howe of
the Irish peerage. The son entered the army at an early age, soon rose to
distinction, and in 1757 was sent to this country in command of the 60th
regiment, arriving in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in July of this year. He was
transferred to the command of the 55th infantry in September, promoted
brigadier-general in December, and on 6 July, 1758, under Commander-in-Chief
James Abercrombie, landed at the outlet of Lake George. Coming suddenly upon the
French force two days afterward at Fort Ticonderoga, he fell at the head of his
corps in the ensuing skirmish. Howe was idolized by his men, and exercised much
influence with his officers, whom he induced by his example to dress and fare
like the common soldiers, and to abandon the luxurious habits that were then in
vogue. A contemporaneous historian says in allusion to his death, "With
him the soul of the army seemed to expire." The general court of
Massachusetts appropriated £250 for his monument, which was erected in
Westminster Abbey.
His brother, Richard Howe, British naval officer, born in England in 1725;
died there, 5 August. 1799, entered the navy at fourteen years of age, and
served with distinction against the French from 1745 till 1759. On the death of
his brother George in 1758, he succeeded to the family title and estates. At the
conclusion of peace between France and England, he served on the admiralty
board, was appointed treasurer of the navy in 1765, entered parliament for
Dartmouth, and in 1770 was made rear-admiral of the blue, and commanded a fleet
in the Mediterranean. In 1776, with the rank of rear-admiral, he sailed for
North America as joint commissioner with his brother William for restoring peace
with the colonies.
Howe was sincere in his attempts to reconcile the countries, and, as
unsuspicious as he was brave, thought that by riding a, bout the country and
conversing with the principal inhabitants, he could, by moderation and
concession, restore the king's authority. When, after negotiations with Franklin,
he discovered the true attitude of the colonists, he declared that he had been
deceived in accepting a commission that left him no power but to assist in the
subjugation of the colonies by arms. In a second attempt to bring about a
reconciliation, after the retreat from Long Island, he used John Sullivan as a
go-between to congress, but was forced by the American commissioners that had
been appointed to treat with him to acknowledge that his commission, in respect
to acts of parliament, was confined to powers of consultation with private
Howe was then variously employed against the American forces for two years,
and in August, 1778, had an indecisive encounter with a superior French fleet
under Count d' Estaing, off the coast of Rhode Island, in which both fleets were
severely shattered by a storm, Howe then resigned his command to Admiral Byron
and returned to England.
In 1782 he was made a peer of Great Britain under the title of Viscount Howe.
In the latter part of this year he succeeded in bringing into the harbor at
Gibraltar the fleet sent to the relief of General Elliot; and for these and
previous services was created Earl and Baron Howe of Langar. In 1793 he was put
in command of the channel fleet, in the next year he gained a victory over the
French on the western coast of France off Ushant, and received the thanks of the
English parliament.
In 1795 he was made admiral of the fleet, and in 1797 a knight of the garter.
His last important service was the suppression of a mutiny in the fleet at
Spithead in 1797. Lord Howe's swarthy complexion gave him, among the sailors,
the sobriquet of "Black Dick." Horace Walpole describes him in
parliament, as "silent as a rock except when naval matters were
discussed, when he spoke briefly but to the point." A severe criticism
of his conduct during the American war was written probably by Lord George
Germaine (London, 1779), and he replied to it in a "Narrative of the
Transactions of the Fleet" (1780). His "Life," with
letters and notes from his journal, was published and edited by Sir John Barrow
(London, 1838)
--Another brother, William Howe, soldier, born in England, 10 August, 1729;
died in Plymouth, England, 12 July, 1814, commanded the light infantry under Wolfe
at the heights of Abraham, near Quebec, in 1759, and in 1775 succeeded General
Thomas Gage as commander-in-chief of the British forces in America. He
commanded at the battle of Bunker Hill,
after the evacuation of Boston retired to Halifax, and in August, 1776, defeated
the colonial forces on Long Island. He took possession of New York on 15
September, defeated Washington at White
Plains, and captured Fort Washington with its garrison of 2,000 men.
In July, 1777, he sailed to Chesapeake bay, defeated Washington
at Brandywine, 11 September, and on the
26th of this month entered Philadelphia. He repulsed the attack of Washington at
Germantown on 4 October, but, instead of breaking up the American camp at Valley
Forge, spent the winter of 1777-'8 in Philadelphia with his army, in indolence
and pleasure. In May, 1778, he was recalled and superseded by Sir Henry Clinton.
His officers, with whom he was personally popular, were indignant at what they
termed the injustice of his removal, and gave him on his departure a grand
entertainment called the "mischianza."
On the investigation of his military conduct by parliament in 1779, he was
acquitted of blame by Lord Grey, Lord Cornwallis. and other military men. who
affirmed that he had done what he could considering the insufficiency of his
force. General Howe became lieutenant of ordnance in 1782, colonel of the 19th
dragoons, and full general in 1786, was governor of Berwick in 1795, and in
1799, on the death of his brother Richard, succeeded to the Irish viscounty. At
the time of his death he was a privy councilor, and governor of Plymouth.
Although brave and an adept in military science, Howe was incapable of
conducting the operations of a great army, and owed his advancement to his name,
and his relationship, by illegitimate descent, to George
III. He is described by General Henry Lee as being "the most
indolent of mortals, who never took pains to examine the merits or demerits of a
cause in which he was engaged." General Howe published a narrative
relative to his command in North America (London, 1780).