CALVERT, George Henry - A Stan Klos Biography
CALVERT, George Henry,
author, born in Prince George County, Maryland, 2 January, 1803; died in 1854.
He is a great-grandson of Lord Baltimore. After graduation at Harvard in 1823 he
studied at the University of Gottingen, and on his return to the United States
lived for some years in the vicinity of Baltimore.
In 1843 he removed to Newport, Rhode Island, where he has
since resided. In 1853, after the revival of the City charter, he was chosen
mayor of Newport. His literary career began shortly after his return from
Germany, when he became editor of the Baltimore "American," which journal he
conducted for several years. He is an original thinker of a philosophic cast of
mind, and is master of a pure and scholarly style in prose and poetry. He has
contributed largely to periodicals.
His published books are "Illustrations of Phrenology"
(Baltimore, 1832); "A Volume from the Life of Herbert Barclay" (1833); "Don
Carlos," a metrical version from the German (1836); "Count Julian," a tragedy
(1840); "Cabiro" (cantos 1 and 2, 1840 ; 3 and 4, 1864); "Correspondence between
Schiller and Goethe," translation (New York, 1845); "Scenes and Thoughts in
Europe" (two series, 1846 and 1852); "Poems" (1847); "The Battle of Lake Erie,"
an oration (1853); "Comedies" and "Social Science " (1856); "Joan of Arc"
(Cambridge, 1860); "The Gentleman" and "Anyta and other Poems" (1863); "Arnold
and André," an historical drama (Boston, 1864); "Ellen," a poem (1869); "
Goethe, his Life and Works" (1872); "Brief Essays and Brevities" (1874); "Essays
Aesthetical " (1875) : " Wordsworth ; A Biographic Aesthetic Study" (Boston,
Edited Appletons Encyclopedia by John Looby, Copyright © 2001 VirtualologyTM
CALVERT, George Henry, author, born in Prince George County, Maryland, 2 January, 1803. He is a great-grandson of Lord Baltimore. After graduation at Harvard in 1823 he studied at the University of G6ttingen, and on his return to the United States lived for some years in the vicinity of Baltimore. In 1843 he removed to Newport, Rhode Island, where he has since resided. In 1853, after the revival of the City charter, he was chosen mayor of Newport. His literary career began shortly after his return from Germany, when he became editor of the Baltimore "American," which journal he conducted for several years. He is an original thinker of a philosophic cast of mind, and is master of a pure and scholarly style in prose and poetry. He has contributed largely to periodicals. His published books are "Illustrations of Phrenology" (Baltimore, 1832); "A Volume from the Life of Herbert Barclay" (1833); "Don Carlos," a metrical version from the German (1836); "Count Julian," a tragedy (1840); "Cabiro" (cantos 1 and 2, 1840 ; 3 and 4, 1864); "Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe," translation (New York, 1845); "Scenes and Thoughts in Europe" (two series, 1846 and 1852); "Poems" (1847); "The Battle of Lake Erie," an oration (1853); "Comedies" and "Social Science " (1856); "Joan of Arc" (Cambridge, 1860); "The Gentleman" and "Anyta and other Poems" (1863); "Arnold and Andr5," an historical drama (Boston, 1864); "Ellen," a poem (1869); " Goethe, his Life and Works" (1872); "Brief Essays and Brevities" (1874); "Essays Aesthetical " (1875) : " Wordsworth ; A Biographic Aesthetic Study" (Boston, 1875).