Jorge Escobedo y Alarcón - A Stan Klos Website
Jorge Escobedo y Alarcón
ESCOBEDO Y ALARCÓN, Jorge, Spanish jurist, born
in Jaen, Spain, in February 1748; died in Madrid in March 1806. He entered the
College of Cuenca in 1762, and afterward studied law at Salamanca, where, in
1769, he occupied the chair of moral philosophy. In 1776 he was sent to Peru by
the king as judge of the superior court of Charcas. Afterward he was appointed
political and military governor of Potosi, and was superintendent of the mint,
the bank, the mines, the taxes, and of the royal treasury.
In 1779 he incorporated the government bank of purchases
and barter, which, under Eseobedo's direction, yielded a large revenue to the
exchequer, and provided for the wants of the miners, he defended Potosi during
the Revolution of 1780, organizing the troops in that City, and ordering the
casting of cannon and the manufacture of arms.
He was then appointed criminal judge of the Supreme
Court of Lima, and in 1782 Charles III made him inspector of the courts of
justice and royal treasury of the viceroyalties of Lima and Buenos Aires, and
superintendent sub-delegate of the treasury of Peru, with the same honorary rank
in the council of the Indies. He was also appointed political governor of Lima,
and from 1785 till 1787 presided over the City Corporation. In that period he
founded the Superior Junta of the Treasury, of which he was president. In all
these public offices he introduced many reforms, and at the same time cooperated
in the pacification of Peru. In February 1788, he returned to Spain, and soon
afterward was elected president of the Supreme Council of the Indies.
Escobedo was the author of "Sobre el
trabajo de minas, beneficio de Inetales y medios de fomentarlos," "Instrucción
de Revistas," "Para la aprobación de matriculas y cobranza de tributes," and
"Sobre los antiguos repartimientos de los corregidores y arbitrios para socorrer
a los indies sin aquel gravamen." Besides these, which were all published
in Lima in 1774, Escobedo wrote memoirs on the government of Peru, which were
afterward published in Madrid.
Edited Appletons Encyclopedia by John Looby, Copyright © 2001
ESCOBED0 Y ALARCON, Jorge, Spanish jurist, born in Jaen, Spain, in February 1748" died in Madrid in March 1806. He entered the College of Cuenca in 1762, and afterward studied law at Salamanca, where, in 1769, he occupied the chair of moral philosophy. In 1776 he was sent to Peru by the king as judge of the superior court of Charcas. Afterward he was appointed political and military governor of Potosi, and was superintendent of the mint, the bank, the mines, the taxes, and of the royal treasury. In 1779 he incorporated the government bank of purchases and barter, which, under Eseobedo's direction, yielded a large revenue to the exchequer, and provided for the wants of the miners, he defended Potosi during the Revolution of 1780, organizing the troops in that City, and ordering the casting of cannon and the manufacture of arms.
He was then appointed criminal judge of the Supreme Court of Lima, and in 1782 Charles III made him inspector of the courts of justice and royal treasury of the viceroyalties of Lima and Buenos Ayres, and superintendent sub delegate of the treasury of Peru, with the same honorary rank in the council of the Indies. He was also appointed political governor of Lima, and from 1785 till 1787 presided over the City corporation. In that period he founded the superior junta of the treasury, of which he was president. In all these public offices he introduced many reforms, and at the same time cooperated in the pacification of Peru. In February 1788, he returned to Spain, and soon afterward was elected president of th9 supreme council of the Indies.
Escobedo was the author of "Sobre el trabajo de minas, beneficio de Inetales v medios de fomentarlos," "Instruccion de Revistas," " Para la aprobacidn de matriculas y cobranza de tributes," and "Sobre los antiguos repartimientos de los corregidores y arbitrios para socorrer a los indies sin aquel gravamen." Besides these, which were all published in Lima in 1774, Escobedo wrote memoirs on the government of Peru, which were afterward published in Madrid.