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HUSS, Magnus, Swedish naturalist, born in Upsala in 1752; died in Stockhohn in 1799. He was secretary in 1781 of one of the ministers that were sent by Spain to determine the boundaries between the Portuguese and the Spanish possessions in South America, according to the treaty of San Ildefonso, and during his sojourn of fifteen years in the country he made a chart of the province of Asuncion, which was considered until recently as a valuable one. He studied also the natural history of South America, and published among other works " Reisa y Amerika och det indre Paraguay" (Stockholm, 1796; translated into French as "Voyage au Paraguay," 2 vols., Paris, 1798; and into English as "A Relation of a Journey through South America in the Paraguay Province," London, 1800)" "Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des quadru, pedes des provinces du Paraguay et de l'Uruguay (5 vols., Stockhohn, 1797); "Traite sur les Reptiles de l'Amerique du Sud," which is yet considered as an authority (2 vols., Stockhohn, 1799);" Ameri-kanisk nationens Seder, Bruk, och Klaededraegter," a dissertation on the customs of South America; and "Delimitation des frontieres des possessions Espagnoles et Portugaises dans l'Amerique du Sud, selon le traite de San Ildefonso" (2 vols., with charts, Stockhohn, 1799).
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