Henry Laurens Chapter five by Stanley L. Klos author, President Who?
Forgotten Founders
Henry Laurens

2nd President of
the Continental Congress
of the United States of
Served November 1, 1777 to December 9, 1778
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First United American Republic
Continental Congress of the United Colonies Presidents
Sept. 5, 1774 to July 1, 1776
Commander-in-Chief United
Colonies of America
George Washington: June 15, 1775 - July 1,
The Second
United American Republic
Continental Congress of
the United States Presidents
July 2, 1776 to February 28, 1781
Commander-in-Chief United Colonies of America
George Washington: July 2, 1776 - February
28, 1781
Henry Laurens
was born March 6, 1724 in Charleston, South Carolina and died there on December
8, 1792. His ancestors were French Protestants who
were members of the Reformed Church established in 1550 by John Calvin. They left France at the revocation of the edict of Nantes and migrated to the
British American Colonies.
Laurens, the
son of John and Esther Grasset Laurens, was educated in Charles Town, South
Carolina. Upon “graduation”, through the contacts of his prosperous
father, he accepted a position at a local counting-house. In 1744 Laurens
accepted a similar position in London to further his career in the promising
field of international business. Upon his return in 1747 he opened an import and
export business in Charles Town. Through his London contacts, Laurens entered
into the slave trade with the Grant, Oswald & Company who
controlled 18th century British slave castle in the Republic of Sierra Leone,
West Africa known as Bunce Castle. Laurens contracted to receive slaves from
Serra Leone, catalogue and marketed the human product conducting public auctions
in Charles Town. Laurens also engaged in the import and export of many other
products but his 10% commission from the slave auctions proved to be his major
source of his income.
By 1750, Laurens was wealthy enough to win
the hand of Eleanor Ball, the daughter of a very wealthy rice plantation
owner. Laurens, who was also a rice planter, used his auction profits to
purchase exceptional South Carolina farmland and slaves to expand his
agricultural pursuits. This strategy culminated in his assemblage of the Mepkin
Plantation where along with his mercantile pursuits Laurens
earned a fortune.
As a businessman, Laurens was quite critical of British
intervention in the Colonial economy. Laurens was a party to frequent lawsuits
with the crown judges and had an exceptional understanding of law. Politically
Laurens was especially critical of British judicial decisions regarding marine
law. The pamphlets that Laurens authored and subsequently published in
opposition to the crown’s interference in Colonial trade are exceptional legal
accounts of Great Britain’s trade oppression of the Colonies.

Autograph Letter Signed regarding financial matters
from Charleston on 10 October 1765. In this detailed, closely-written
business letter, Laurens tells of his plans to leave the following week on a
visit to Georgia and possibly St. Augustine; explains why he was unable to
deliver the strouds belonging to his correspondent (strouds were a coarse
woolen cloth used in trade with the Indians). Laurens asks what "shall be
done with them," adding "I believe I have not yet told you a large
Quantity of Strouds belonging to the Provincial Cherokee have been brought
to Charles Town & sold so low at Public Auction as 22 pds p[er] piece & some
under that. They were in general very good & in good order, many pieces were
of the best London & cost 4pds to 4 Guineas p[er] piece." Laurens
goes on to inquire about his accounts with his correspondent for "the
Muzlins & the Schooner East Florida," and asks whether a Mr.Cowles, with
whom he also has accounts, plans to remain in business. - Courtesy of the Author
Henry Laurens served in a military campaign against the
Cherokees. In this campaign he learned, first hand, on how to wage a battle in
the Colonial Wilderness. He took the time during that campaign to keep a diary
which still exists in its original manuscript form.
By 1771,
Laurens was so successful that he retired from business and sailed to England to
direct the education of his sons. During this period he traveled throughout
Great Britain and on the European continent. While in London he was one of the
thirty-eight Americans who signed a petition in 1774 to dissuade parliament from
passing the Boston Port Bill. Dismayed by the anti-colonial sentiment in
Great Britain, Laurens returned to Charleston that same year. Three months
later he was elected a member of South Carolina’s first Provincial Congress in
1775. He was elected President of that body in June 1775.
Laurens drew up a form of association to be signed by all the Friends of Liberty
and also became President of the Council of Safety. He was elected a member of
the Second South Carolina Provincial Congress from serving from November 1775 to
March 1776. He also served as the president of the second council of safety and
was elected Vice President of South Carolina serving from March 1776 to June 27,
Laurens was
elected as a Delegate to the Continental Congress on January 10, 1777, and
served until 1780. During his initial term he was forced to flee Philadelphia
in the fall of 1777 to Lancaster. There he and his fellow delegates were unable
to find ample rooms in the district for either lodging or convening the
Continental Congress for more then one day, September 27th. Once again the
Continental Congress packed up and move the seat of Continental government just
across the Susquehanna River to a small village called YorkTown (now York,
Pennsylvania). The River was deemed a natural barrier to a British attack
providing the Continental Congress with plenty of time should British regulars
launch a second campaign to capture the Delegates. Henry Laurens' letter to John
Lewis Gervais on October 8th 1777 was particularly revealing of the freshman
delegate's flight from Philadelphia to Lancaster:
The Evening
of that day I went as far as Frankfort in order to see into the arrangement of
my baggage and to Shift my apparel Suitable to the change of weather & had
engaged to breakfast with an old friend at 1/2 past 8 next Morning in
Philadelphia. About 4 o'Clock next Morning I was knocked up by Sir Patrick
Houston who informed me that advice had been received of General Howe's crossing
Schuylkill at 11 o'Clock & that part of his Army would be in the City before
Sunrise. I could feel no impression, I judged differently from the City people
who I had always expected would fall a prey to their fears, I considered the
difficulty of crossing a ford with an Army of 6 or 7 Thousand Men, Cannon,
Horses, Wagons, Cattle &ca &ca, the right disposition of the whole & detaching a
respectable force to a distance of 22 Miles. While my Carriage & Wagon were
preparing to go forward the Scene was equally droll & melancholy. Thousands of
all Sorts in all appearances past by in such haste that very few could be
prevailed on to answer to the Simple question what News? however would not fly,
I stayed Breakfast & did not proceed till 8 o'Clock or past nor would I have
gone then but returned once more into the City if I had not been under an
engagement to take charge of the Marquis de Lafayette who lay wounded by a ball
through his Leg at Bristol. My bravery however was the effect of assurance for
could I have believed the current report, I should have fled as fast as any man,
no man can possibly have a greater reluctance to an intimacy with Sir William
Howe than my Self.
I proceeded
to Bristol, the little Town was covered by fugitives, the River by Vessels of
War & Store Vessels & others from Philadelphia, the Road choked by Carriages,
Horses & Wagons. The Same was disgustingly Specked by Regimental Coats &
Cockades, Volunteer blades I suppose who had blustered in that habit of the
mighty feats they would perform if the English should dare to come to
Philadelphia. Upon these I looked with deep contempt. From Bristol I had the
honor of conducting the Marquis who is possessed of the most excellent funds
[of] good sense & inexhaustible patience to Bethlehem where the Second day after
our arrival I left him in Bed anxious for nothing but to be again in our Army
as he always calls it, & proceeded through Reading to Lancaster, at Reading I
learned of General Wayne's false step, a second hindrance to our driving the
Invaders out of the Country.

Laurens, as a
freshman delegate, went right to work in YorkTown impressing the members of
Congress with his "nonpartisan" deliberations. His ideas especially
stood out on the creation of the first constitution of the United States, the
Articles of Confederation. Laurens remained steadfast against the nationalists'
proposal to allow control of the proposed new federal government by the wealthy.
He was also against Virginia's article to have one Delegate in Congress for
every 30,000 of a state’s inhabitants, permitting each representative having one
vote. On the Confederation Article that prohibited the federal government from
making any foreign treaty preventing the individual States "from imposing
such imposts and duties on foreigners as their own people are subject to",
Laurens was the only Southern member to vote against the measure. Unfortunately
only 3 other states, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut, voted with
Laurens so the restrictive Amendment became a part of the confederation
constitution shackling the future United States in Congress Assembled to
properly control and conduct foreign affairs.
In a usual
position Laurens voted for the United States in Congress Assembled to have the
authority to decide disputes between the states but then voted nay on the
establishment of the "elaborate machinery" necessary for such judicial
matters to be employed. This failure to separate the judicial duties of
government from the proposed legislative/executive federal body plagued the
United States until the adoption of its 2nd constitution in 1789.
Henry Laurens
in a final constitutional act, voted against Virginia's last attempt to gain
more power in the federal government based on population. Specifically,
Virginia's amendment proposed that the nine votes necessary to determine
matters of importance in the United States in Congress Assembled must be from
the states containing a majority of the white population in the new
"Perpetual Union". The measured failed largely because of Laurens and the
other smaller states objections.
This vote did
not follow the “southern block” clearly indicating Laurens was free from
sectional bias. Laurens stood out time and time again putting forth and
supporting articles and ideas that attempted to forge 13 individual States into
one unified nation. He envisioned and worked diligently to form a Constitution
that empowered a new central government to act for the benefit of all States
equally. This philosophy, unknowingly, made him a leading candidate for the
Presidency to replace the ailing John Hancock in 1777.
On October 29th,
John Hancock, resigned from the Presidency. The powerful Adams-Lee coalition
decided to back Francis Lightfoot Lee as chosen as Hancock's successor. Laurens
did not support the Virginian’s nomination moving that Congress solicit Hancock
to remain. The motion was only seconded and no failed to win a majority. To
Laurens astonishment, the Chair nominated him, a vote was taken and he became
the 2nd President of the Continental Congress of the United States of America.
This was a high
tribute as Laurens was a freshman delegate and not a signor of the Declaration
of Independence. Clearly, his character, independent thinking and businessman's
no nonsense approach to the confederation constitution impressed the Delegates
that Laurens could lead this fledgling nation to complete the 1st
Constitution of the United States andwin the war with Great Britain. Delegate
Roberdeau wrote:
"Henry Laurens, Vice President of South Carolina, a worthy, sensible,
indefatigable Gentleman, was this day chosen by a unanimous vote, except his
own, President of Congress."
Henry Laurens
was elected to the Presidency on November 1, 1777 and in letter to the Carlisle
Committee on the 4th he hints at one major reason for Hancock's resignation:
"Your Letter of the 22nd was duly received & taken under Consideration by
The delay of a reply is imputable to the bad State of health of the late
president The Honorable John Hancock Esquire who having Suffered under the Gout
Several days before he retired from this place could not have discharged every
branch in his department with his wonted facility & precision."
Henry Laurens
first official act as the President was to preside over and vote for a Day of
Thanksgiving and "to adore the superintending providence of Almighty God".
He was also a devoutly religious Christian. In his first letter to the States as
President he wrote:
"Dear Sir, The Arms of the United States of America having been blessed in
the present Campaign with remarkable Success, Congress have Resolved to
recommend that one day, Thursday the 18th December next be Set apart to be
observed by all Inhabitants throughout these States for a General thanksgiving
to Almighty God. And I have it in command to transmit to you the inclosed
extract from the minutes of Congress for that purpose.

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Day of Thanksgiving
Forasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the
superintending providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with gratitude their
obligation to him for benefits received, and to implore such farther blessings
as they stand in need of; and it having pleased him in his abundant mercy not
only to continue to us the innumerable bounties of his common providence, but
also to smile upon us in the prosecution of a just and necessary war, for the defence and establishment of our unalienable rights and liberties; particularly
in that he hath been pleased in so great a measure to prosper the means used for
the support of our troops and to crown our arms with most signal success: It is
therefore recommended to the legislative or executive powers of these United
States, to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth day of December next, for solemn
thanksgiving and praise; that with one heart1 and one voice the good people may
express the grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the
service of their divine benefactor; and that together with their sincere
acknowledgments and offerings, they may join the penitent confession of their
manifold sins, whereby they had forfeited every favour, and their humble and
earnest supplication that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ,
mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance; that it may please him
graciously to afford his blessing on the governments of these states
respectively, and prosper the public council of the whole; to inspire our
commanders both by land and sea, and all under them, with that wisdom and
fortitude which may render them fit instruments, under the providence of
Almighty God, to secure for these United States the greatest of all human
blessings, independence and peace; that it may please him to prosper the trade
and manufactures of the people and the labour of the husbandman, that our land
may yet yield its increase; to take schools and seminaries of education, so
necessary for cultivating the principles of true liberty, virtue and piety,
under his nurturing hand, and to prosper the means of religion for the promotion
and enlargement of that kingdom which consisteth "in righteousness, peace and
joy in the Holy Ghost."

November 1, 1777 Thanksgiving Proclamation - Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections
Laurens's office and lodging at YorkTown were not as large, he claimed, as the
center hall in his South Carolina home. Laurens noted he often dined on only
bread and cheese with a glass of grog which he believe appropriate with George
Washington and the soldiers at Valley Forge faring so much more worst. Laurens
learned the burden of the office very quickly being the conduit between Congress
and the have starved Commander-in-Chief. In addition to this Laurens was
responsible for the diplomatic correspondence, chairing the meetings, the
granting and refusal of favors to be heard by Congress.
In the first
part of December 1777 he, like his predecessor, had a severe attack of the gout
which confined him to his room. For the next three months he walked with a limp.
At the crisis over the Saratoga Convention he was carried into the YorkTown
Courthouse to preside over the crucial meeting. He wrote I am:
"… sitting eighteen or nineteen, sometimes twenty hours in twenty-four. This
encourages horrible swellings which are not quite dispersered with the short
respite in bed."
On December
12th, a mere 42 days after his election, he asked Congress to elect him a
successor. Laurens’ request was postponed by Congress, in a very complimentary
style, refusing to accept it. He then settled into the presidency for his
"year" term.
Laurens was an active participant in debate especially, when he the sole
delegate represented by South Carolina. His Presidency drew criticism by his
fellow delegates, as he was not hesitant to use his chair to make timely and
uncomplimentary remarks about his colleagues. As President, Laurens opposed any
expeditions against Florida urging Congress instead to defend Georgia and South
Carolina from Native Americans and Tory resistance.
In his book the
President of the Continental Congress 1774 - 1789 Jennings B. Sanders
Laurens is unique among the … Presidents … His letters give an insight into
the workings of Congress and the Presidential office … As President, he was
intimately acquainted with all Congressional affairs; indeed, many matters were
necessarily known only to him until their presentation from the chair.
Congressional leadership must not be construed to mean merely the activities of
members on the floor of that body. One gains the impression from a perusal of
the correspondence of the day, that important matters were discussed informally
outside Congress by coteries, fractions, and cliques as they ate their meals
together or visited their rooming places. Action in Congress, therefore, might
at times be little more than formal recognition of what had already been agreed
upon outside. Through this type of leadership a President might exercise great
influence, and yet never participate in debate from the chair.
For example,
Henry Laurens wrote on April 7, 1778 to James Duane that "… The Letter has
not yet been presented to Congress, but has undergone severe strictures from
knot of our friends who call here late at night and conned it over." On
another matter Laurens writes on April 28, 1778 concerning his reasoning for
delay of Louis Fleury’s petition "…these I say are private Sentiments drawn
from friends among my Coadjutors in Congress." The fact that the President,
for the most part, received all official correspondence gave him the discretion
to choose when and if it should be brought before Congress for consideration.
Laurens expertly utilized this power throughout his Presidency to accelerate or
impede the consideration of all official business of the United States of
Henry Laurens
tenure as President was during one of most stormy periods in the Revolutionary
War. He seemed to align himself against John Jay, Robert Morris and Silas Deane
(conservatives) but kept his distance from the Adams-Lees Faction. A major test
of his “non-partisan” leadership erupted just nine days into his
Presidency. The plan for the displacement of George Washington for Horatio
Gates came to light on November 9th. The controversy then exploded
occurring during the same period that President Henry Laurens was occupied with
the Saratoga Convention, negotiating the surrender settlement of British General Burgoyne and his army. .
This scheme to
replace Washington stemmed from the Adams-Lees Faction, the "liberals",
who wanted to keep all executive business in the hands of Congress through
committees and boards. They strove for a strict system of control over the
Commander-in-Chief. The other faction is best described as the "constructive
party" and its leaders included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John
Jay, Robert Morris and Robert Livingston. The Adams-Lee Faction was comprised of
men who were the "Zealots" of revolution and forced altercation with
Great Britain. It was the constructive faction who transformed the fitful
rebellion into an organized and successful revolution. President Henry Laurens’
politics, however, was an enigma and thought by each camp to be partial to their
respective faction.
The Adams-Lee
Faction steadily worked, after General Gates' Victory at Saratoga, to bring
Congress to the opinion that the safety of the country demanded Horatio should
replace George as Commander-in-Chief. The plot, however, had few active
supporters in Congress. The Continental Army. chief supporters of the Gates
scheme, rounded off some impressive patriots supporting General Gates including
James Lovell, Benjamin Rush, General Thomas Mifflin and their organizer General
Thomas Conway, a French officer of Irish lineage. The movement to displace
Washington began before the Victory at Saratoga. Even John and Samuel Adams
contributed powerfully to hostility against George Washington by ridiculing his "Fabian Policy" calling for "a short and violent war" and
preaching according to Henry Laurens historian D. D. Wallace " … that the
worship of a man amounted to amounted to the sin of idolatry which would
certainly call down the curse of Heaven"
John Adams
exclaimed on the repulse of the British from Delaware River Forts:
"Thank God the glory is not immediately due to the Commander-in-Chief, or
idolatry and adulation would have been so excessive as to endanger our
As the attacks on Washington mounted
the plotters made wild charges of his incompetence. It was asserted that
cowardice restrained Washington from driving General Howe out of Philadelphia in
1777 even though he had two to three times more forces than the British. For
example, James Lovell the delegate from Massachusetts maintained that Washington
marched his army up and down with no other purpose then to wear out their
clothing, shoes, and stockings. The facts on this particular case, however, were
that General Howe's foraging parties had greater numbers than Washington's
entire army encamped in Valley Forge. An attack on Philadelphia would have
decimated the Continental Army.
The Continental Congress, to make
matters more complex for Washington, bestowed upon Gates and his supporters a
series of appointments and promotions. Most notably, Generals Gates and Mifflin
were placed upon the Board of War and Conway was elected against Washington's
protest as Inspector General of the Continental Army. In these influential
positions the scheme to replace Washington was pressed forward by a series of
"interferences, shackles, vexations and slights to resign his command"
according to Revolutionary War Historian Wallace. Their incompetence of
managing the Board of War, Commissary and Quartermaster departments left wagon
loads of clothing and provisions standing in the woods much to the chagrin of
Henry Laurens. The now historic sufferings of Washington and his troops at
Valley Forge were due to these men's incompetence and burning desire to replace
the Commander-in-Chief with Horatio Gates. The Valley Forge tragedy was NOT
a product of the new nation’s poverty or the refusal of its citizens to
contribute to the War effort.
proof of a conspiracy against George Washington came to light when General
Stirling sent the Commander-in-Chief a quote from Thomas Conway's letter to
"Heaven has been determined to save your country, or a weak general and bad
counselors would have ruined it."
only response was to send the quote back to Conway on November 9, writing only: “A letter, which I received last night, contained the following paragraph.”
On November 28, Q.M. Gen. and
future President Thomas Mifflin sent a letter to Gates alerting him that the
extract from Conway’s letter had been sent to Washington, and how the
Commander-in-Chief responded. Mifflin’s letter indicated he agreed that Conway’s
letter was just. In this letter he cautioned Gates to be careful; as such open
correspondence will “injure his best friends.”
Washington never made this letter
public. Gates, however, did not heed Mifflin’s advice and wrote Washington a
letter ranting about a so called scoundrel who supposedly leaked the Conway
letter to the public. To Washington’s amazement, Gates copied Congress thus
making the letter public.
Henry Laurens
learned of this through his son, a Washington Aide-to-Camp. John Laurens wrote
to his father from headquarters on January 3rd, 1778 giving this assessment in a
brief sentence identifying the Cabal’s true “head”.
"Conway has weight with a certain party, formed against the present
Commander-in Chief at the head of which is General Mifflin."
Conway's letter gave George Washington no other option but to defend himself
openly against the conspiracy as it was now in the public eye. Washington wrote
to Laurens on January 4th, 1778 that it was “beyond the depth of
my comprehension” that Gates would make public the correspondence.
Washington wrote a letter to Gates and copied Congress notifying him that it was
his own aide, Wilkinson, who had been indiscreet and not anyone in his camp.
Laurens wrote to his son:
"Talking of General Conway's Letter which has been circulating as formerly
intimated, & of which General Gates declared both his ignorance &
disapprobation, I took occasion to say, if General Conway pretends sincerity in
his late parallel between the Great F____ [Fredrick] & the great W____
[Washington] he has, taking this Letter into view, been guilty of the blackest
hypocrisy - if not, he is chargeable with the guilt of an unprovoked sarcasm &
is unpardonable. The General perfectly acquiesced in that sentiment & added such
hints as convinced me he thought highly of Conway. Shall such a Man seperate
friends or keep them asunder? It must not be. My Dear son, I pray God protect
Laurens was
anxious to play the role of "peacemaker" between Gates and Washington
walking the middle ground. In the end Laurens neutrality embolden the Cabal but
the scheme to replace George Washington with Horatio Gates fell apart in early
1778 when the plan was made public. One after another the delegates and
generals hasten to disclaim any connection to the Conway and Gates. The
reaction of the people was clear, George Washington was strongly entrenched in
the minds and hearts of the common man and they wanted him to remain the
Commander-in-Chief. The public's affection towards Washington did not
"endanger our libertieis" as Adams predicted but rather gave them new
support as the people rallied around the Commander-in Chief. The Cabal was dead,
the people had spoken this lesson culminated to finally combining the the office
of the U.S. Presidency with the power of Commander-in-Chief in the 2nd
Constitution of 1787. The 2nd Constitutional Convention in 1778 was
still 9 years away with the States still debating ratifying the 1st
Constitution, the Articles of Confederation. Despite Washington holding on as
Commander-in-Chief the country fell into desperate times over the divisive
philosophies in Congress on how to conduct business while it awaited the
ratification of the 1st Constitution. President Laurens' remarked
during this devise period that the fledgling confederation held together only
because the enemy "keeps pace with us in profusion, mismanagement and family
Despite the
challenges, Henry Laurens, remained positive turning to the business of the
Presidency. The "Conway Cabal" was now behind him, the Articles
of Confederation before the States for ratification, and the Victory at Saratoga
was a military coo so impressive that the French were now ready to sign a series
of Commerce and Alliance Treaties with the Continental Congress.
President Laurens, an astute businessman, believed that commerce provisions in
one of the treaties were seriously flawed. Specifically he objected to the
Confederation abandoning, by treaty, its claims over the control of Florida and
the Bahamas which were important future sources of federal revenue in trade
duties and land sales. Additionally Laurens believed that French interest in
these territories was political cautioning his fellow delegates that once the
treaties were ratified Spain would be lay claim to Florida. France would remain
neutral on Spanish land accession due to a clandestine "side" agreement
between the two European Powers. Laurens was heavily ridiculed by his peers and
out maneuvered on measures to correct these inadequacies.
The treaties
were executed on February 6, 1778 and despite his doubts, President Laurens
expressed a "most hearty congratulations" to Commissioners Silas Deane,
Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee. Time, however, proved Laurens right as the
United States loss the valuable southern port of St. Augustine and large tracts
of land which, were both direly needed to fund the fledging government.
In the spring
of 1778, Laurens letters spoke continuously of the deficiency of State
representation in Congress. He found fault in both the bare necessity of
delegates to make quorums and the inexperience of Congress. He believed the
inexperienced delegates were not capable of dealing with important commercial
treaties between America and Denmark, Russia, Spain, Holland and Sweden. He
ardently sought more experienced representation from the state legislatures in
numerous letters to their leaders.
By the summer
of 1778 his letters blossomed into the formation of a considerably strengthened
Congress. Samuel Adams returned after an absence of six months. Gouvernor Morris
and Roger Sherman also returned along with Thomas Heyward. The brilliant young
William Henry Drayton, Richard Hutson and John Matthews all took their seats in
The Conway
Cabal emerged once again in the summer of 1778 when Thomas Mifflin, a general
who sided with Gates against Washington, was addressed as "pivot" in this
Laurens letter to his son in June. In this letter Laurens writes about
Congress's call for an investigation into General Mifflin's quartermaster
"If you were here in this Room I could entertain you five minutes with
description of an excellent attempt in favor of pivot which was not only ousted
but brought on a proposition which, as a Man of honor he must have wished for,
as a Man of politeness he must have wished for it, because all the World wished
for it. Your antagonists I find have not yet turned their backs, the more
motions they make the more I suspect them. When they shall be fairly gone I
will sing te deum, but 'till then my duty & my Interest dictate infidelity &
command me to be watchful. The long continuance of repeated accounts marking
their intended embarkation has injured our Cause more than you are aware of.
according to the Library of congress
"… was
alluding to the call for an investigation of former quartermaster general Thomas
Mifflin that Congress approved this day."
In previous
correspondence with his son, Laurens had used the term "pivot" to
designate Mifflin's role in the so-called Conway Cabal. That John Laurens
understood the use of it in the present letter as a reference to Mifflin is
indicated by this statement in his June 14th reply:
"The inquiry into the conduct of the late quarter masters, must give pleasure
to every man who wishes to see the betrayers of public trusts brought to condign
General Mifflin
would later be exonerated of these charges and go on to serve as President of
the United States in Congress Assembled. George Washington, however, remained
cool to Mifflin throughout the rest of his days never forgetting his role in the
Conway Cabal. In an ironic twist a fate when George Washington finally resigned
his office of Commander-in-Chief in 1783 it was done ceremoniously to the
President of the United States, Thomas Mifflin.
October 31,
1778 marked Laurens completion of his one-year term prescribed in the
un-ratified Articles of Confederation. Laurens had often referenced
his approval of the Confederation Constitution’s provision forbidding a delegate
to hold the Presidency more than one year in three and accordingly he offered
his resignation. The constitution, however, was not ratified and no Perpetual
Union or it governing body, the United States of America in Congress
Assembled, was formed. The Continental Congress still existed and operated
under the Articles of Association so Laurens was not required to step
down from this presiding office. It was reported that the members gathered in a
circle to discuss his resignation and Samuel Adams communicated their unanimous
desire for Laurens to serve until the Articles were ratified by all the States
creating the new United States of America in Congress Assembled. Laurens
according to biographer D. D. Wallace:
"Expressed his pleasure at being able to balk 'his quondam friend' in the
newspaper and acceded to the request of the members, but declined to approve a
minute of the proceedings saying 'he had no anxiety for obtaining complimentary
records.' The Journals thus contain no suggestion of the incident."
The Deane-Lee
foreign affairs controversy also fell into the lap of President Laurens. Silas
Deane was one of the commissioners who negotiated the February Treaty with
France. Deane had also contracted the services of Lafayette, De Kalb, and other
foreign officers, personally, to the cause for Independence. These contracts
were subsequently made the basis of charges against him by congress on the
grounds of extravagance. Deane was recalled in consequence by resolution passed
and signed by Laurens.
Philadelphia in 1778, Deane found that many reports had been circulated to his
discredit. These seem to have originated with his late colleague, Arthur Lee,
who had quarreled with him in Paris. Henry Laurens received Deane and went over
all his affairs in a two-hour private interview. Henry Laurens reported that he
believed Dean supporting his account.
Deane had
presented a signed statement from Grand, the commissioners' Paris Banker, of all
funds spent. Banker Grand, however refused to part with the original vouchers
until the final accounting. President Laurens found this inappropriate as Deane
had disbursed 250,000 pounds sterling and had no excuse for coming without
accounts and vouchers. Arthur Lee reiterated his charges and Deane's advocates
failed to rally his cause squarely before Congress causing Lauren's to side
against Silas Deane.
A Congressional
inquiry into the state of foreign affairs also included a thorough examination
of Mr. Deane's role. He was regularly notified to attend the sessions in an
attempt to discern the facts of the controversy. On December 4th Deane wrote
again to Congress, acquainting them with his having received their notification
of another session and expressing his thanks for the ongoing investigation. On
the following day, to almost everyone's surprise, Deane published his
extraordinary address in the Pennsylvania Packet, which attacked
Congress, President Henry Laurens and his accusers.
More on Henry Laurens Click Here

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