Timothy Pickering - A Klos Family Project - Revolutionary War General

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Timothy Pickering
PICKERING, Timothy, statesman, born in Salem, Massachusetts,
17 July, 1745; died there, 29 January, 1829. He was great-great-grandson of John
Pickering, Who came from England and settled in Salem in 1642. Timothy was
graduated at Harvard in 1763. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar in
1768, but practiced very little, and never attained distinction as a lawyer. He
served for some time as register of deeds for Essex county, and at the same time
showed considerable interest in military studies. In 1766 he was commissioned by
Governor Bernard lieutenant of militia, and in 1775 was elected colonel, which
office he held until after he had joined the Continental army. Twelve days after
his election he witnessed and peacefully resisted Colonel Leslie's expedition to
Salem. On 19 April he marched at the head of 300 men to cut off the retreat of
the British from Lexington, and at sunset
had reached Winter Hill, in Somerville, a few minutes after the British had
passed on their disorderly retreat to Charlestown. In later years political
enemies unfairly twitted him for failing to el-feet the capture of the whole
British force on this occasion. In the course of that year he published a small
volume, illustrated with copper-plate engravings, entitled "An Easy Plan
of Discipline for a Militia." It was a useful book, and showed
considerable knowledge of the military art. It was adopted by the state of
Massachusetts, and was generally used in the Continental army until superseded
by the excellent manual prepared by Baron Steuben.
In September, 1775, Colonel Pickering was commissioned justice of the
peace, and two months later judge of the maritime court for the counties of
Suffolk, Essex, and Middlesex. In May, 1776, he was elected representative to
the general court. On 24 December of that year he set out from Salem, at the
head of the Essex regiment of 700 men, to join the Continental army, and after
stopping for some time, under General Heath's
orders, at Tarrytown, reached Morristown, 20 February, where he made a very
favorable impression upon Washington. The
office of adjutant-general falling vacant by the resignation of Colonel Reed, Washington
at once offered it to Colonel Pickering, who at first declined the appointment
because he did not consider himself fit for it and because it would conflict
with the discharge of his duty in the place that he already held. He afterward
reconsidered the matter and resigned all his civil offices, and his appointment
as adjutant-general was announced, 18 June, at the headquarters of the army at
Middlebrook. He then expressed an opinion that the war would not and ought not
to last longer than a year, and on several occasions was inclined to criticize
impatiently the superb self-restraint and caution of Washington,
but for which the war would doubtless have ended that year in the overthrow of
the American cause.
Colonel Pickering was present at the battles of the Brandywine
and Germantown, and was elected, 7
November, a member of the newly created board of war. On 5 August, 1780, he was
appointed quartermaster-general of the army, in place of General
Greene, who had just resigned. He joined the army at Peekskill, 27 June,
1781, took part in the march to Virginia, and was present at the surrender of Cornwallis,
of which he gives an interesting account in his journal. The fact that there was
no detention in the course of Washington's
wonderful march from Hudson river to Chesapeake bay shows with what consummate
skill the quartermaster's department was managed. At every point the different
columns found the needed supplies and means of transportation in readiness. For
such a triumph of logistics great credit is due to Colonel Pickering. He
retained the office of quartermaster-general until it was abolished, 28 July,
He made himself conspicuous, along with Alexander
Hamilton and Patrick Henry, in opposing the
harsh and short-sighted vindictive measures that drove so many Tories from the
country, to settle in Nova Scotia and Upper Canada. On leaving the army in 1785,
he went into business in Philadelphia as a commission merchant in partnership
with Major Samuel Hodgdon, but he did not find this a congenial occupation. He
was assured that if he were to return to Massachusetts he would be appointed
associate justice of the supreme court of that state, but he refused to
entertain the suggestion, because he distrusted his fitness for that office. He
preferred to remove with his family, to some new settlement on the frontier,
and, with some such end in view, had already purchased extensive tracts of
unoccupied land in western Pennsylvania and Virginia and in the valley of the
In 1787 he settled in Wyoming, and there became involved in the
disturbances attendant upon the arrest and imprisonment of John Franklin, leader
of the insurgent Connecticut settlers. Colonel Pickering's house was attacked by
rioters, and he would have been seized as a hostage for Franklin had he not
escaped into the woods and thereupon made his way to Philadelphia, where he was
chosen member of the convention for ratifying the new
constitution of the United States. After his return to Wyoming, toward the
end of June, 1788, Colonel Pickering was taken from his bed at midnight by a
gang of masked men and carried off into the forest, His captors kept him
prisoner for three weeks, and tried to prevail upon him to write to the
executive council of the state and have Franklin set at liberty. When they found
their threats unavailing, and learned that militia were pursuing them, they lost
heart, and were glad to compound with Colonel Pickering and set him free on
condition that he would intercede for them. This affair, the incidents of which
are full of romantic interest, marked the close of thirty years of turbulence in
the vale of Wyoming. By the end of 1788 complete order was maintained, largely
through the firmness and energy of Colonel Pickering.
In 1789 he was a member of the convention that framed the new constitution
of Pennsylvania. This body did not finish its work till 2 September 1790, and
the very next day President Washington sent
Colonel Pickering on a mission to the Seneca Indians, who had been incensed by
the murder of two of their tribe by white men at Pine Creek, Pennsylvania The
mission ended in July, 1791, in the successful negotiation of a very important
treaty between the United States and the Six Nations. Colonel Pickering was
appointed postmaster-general, 14 August, 1791, and held that office till
In the mean time was waged the great war with the Indians of the Northwestern
territory, and Colonel Pickering was called upon several times to negotiate
with the chiefs of the Six Nations and keep up the alliance with them. He knew
how to make himself liked and respected by the native Americans, and in these
delicate missions was eminently successful. On the resignation of Knox
he was appointed secretary of war, 2 January, 1795. The department then included
Indian affairs, since transferred to the department of the interior. It also
included the administration of the navy. In these capacities Colonel Pickering
was instrumental in founding the military school at West Point, as well as in
superintending the building of the three noble frigates "Constitution,"
"United States," and "Constellation," that
were by and by to win imperishable renown.
On the resignation of Randolph in the
autumn of 1795, Colonel Pickering for a while acted as secretary of state, and
after three months was appointed to that office. He continued as secretary of
state, under the administration of John Adams,
until the difficulties with France, growing out of the X. Y. Z. papers, had
reached a crisis and led to a serious disagreement between Mr. Adams
and his cabinet. Then Colonel Pickering was dismissed from office, 12 May,
From the department of state to a log-cabin on the frontier was a great
change indeed. Colonel Pickering spent the summer and autumn with his son Henry
and a few hired men in clearing a farm in what is now Susquehanna county, near
the northeastern corner of Pennsylvania. He had always been poor, and was now
embarrassed with debt. To relieve him of this burden, several citizens of Boston
subscribed $25,000, and purchased from him some of his tracts of unoccupied
land. After payment of his debts, the balance in cash was $14,055.35, and being
thus placed in comfortable circumstances he was prevailed upon to return to
Massachusetts, where he settled upon a modest farm, which he hired, in
In 1802 he was appointed chief justice of common pleas, and was a
candidate for congress for the Essex south district, but Jacob Crowninshield was
elected over him. The next year Colonel Pickering was elected to the United
States senate, to fill the vacancy left by Dwight Foster's resignation. In 1804
he was elected to the senate for six years, and became conspicuous among the
leaders of the extreme Federalists. He disapproved of the Louisiana
purchase, and afterward made himself very unpopular in a large part of the
country by his energetic opposition to the embargo. In 1809 he was hanged in
effigy by a mob in Philadelphia, and in the following year an infamous attempt
was made to charge him with embezzlement of public funds, but the charge was too
absurd to gain credence. In 1811 he was censured by the senate for a technical
violation of the rules in reading certain documents communicated by the
president before the injunction of secrecy; but as this measure was too plainly
prompted by vindictiveness, it failed to injure him.
In 1812, having failed of a re-election to the
senate, he retired to the farm he had purchased some time before in Wenham,
Massachusetts; but he was to return to Washington
sooner than he expected. In the November election he was chosen a member of
congress by an overwhelming majority. To this office he was again elected in
1814, and would have been elected a third time had he not declined a re-nomination.
During 1817 he was member of the executive council of Massachusetts, his last
public office.
The last years of his life were spent in Salem, with frequent visits to
the Wenham farm. On Sunday, 4 January, 1829, sitting in an ill-warmed church, he
caught the cold of which he died. The section of the Federalist party to which
Colonel Pickering belonged was led by a group of men known as the "Essex
Junto," comprising Parsons, Cabot, Sedgwick, H. G. Otis, and the
Lowells, of Massachusetts, with Griswold and Reeve, of Connecticut. In 1804, and
again in 1809, the question of a dissolution of the Union and the formation of a
separate Eastern confederacy was seriously discussed by these Federalist
leaders, and in 1814 they were foremost in the proceedings that led to the
Hartford convention. Attempts to call such a convention had been made in 1808
and 1812. The designs of the convention were not clearly understood, but the
suspicion of disunion tendencies that clung to it sufficed to complete the ruin
of the Federalist party, which did not survive the election of 1816. In the work
of the conventionists of 1814 Colonel Pickering took no direct part, and he was
not present at Hartford.
Colonel Pickering married, 8 April, 1776, Rebecca
White Pickering, who was born in Bristol, England, 18 July, 1754, and
died in Salem, 14 August, 1828. Their wedded life was extremely happy. Colonel
Pickering's biography, with copious extracts from his correspondence, was begun
by his son, Octavius Pickering--" Life of Timothy Pickering"
(vol. i., Boston, 1867)--and after the death of the latter, was finished by
Charles W. Upham (vols. ii.-iv., 1873). See also Adams's"
Documents relating to New England Federalism" (Boston, 1877) and
Schouler's "History of the United States" (vols. i, and ii., Washington,
Timothy's eldest son, John Pickering,
philologist, born in Salem, Massachusetts, 7 February, 1777; died in Boston,
Massachusetts, 5 May, 1846, was graduated at Harvard in 1796, and then studied
law with Edward Tilghman in Philadelphia. In 1797 he became secretary to William
Smith, on the appointment of the latter as United States minister to Portugal,
and two years later he became private secretary to Rufus
King, then minister to Great Britain. He returned to Salem in 1801, resumed
his legal studies, and, after being admitted to the bar, practiced in Salem
until 1827. Mr. Pickering then removed to Boston, and was appointed city
solicitor, which office he held until shortly before his death. Notwithstanding
his large practice. he also devoted his attention to politics. He was three
times in the lower house of the legislature, twice a state senator from Essex
county and once from Suffolk county, and a member of the executive council. In
1833 he served on the commission for revising and arranging the statutes of
Massachusetts, and the part that is entitled "Of the Internal
Administration of Government" was prepared by him. Mr. Pickering became
celebrated by his philological studies, which gained for him the reputation of
being the chief founder of American comparative philology.
These he began as a young man, when he accompanied his father on visits to
the Six Nations of central New York, and as he grew older they increased by his
study abroad until, according to Charles Sumner, he was familiar with the
English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, German, Romaic, Greek, and Latin
languages ; less familiar, but acquainted, with Dutch, Swedish, Danish, and
Hebrew, and had explored, with various degrees of care, Arabic, Turkish, Syriac,
Persian, Coptic, Sanscrit, Chinese, Cochin-Chinese, Russian, Egyptian
hieroglyphics, Malay in several dialects, and particularly the Indian languages
of America and the Polynesian islands With this great knowledge at his command,
he .early used it in the preparation of valuable articles m reviews,
transactions of learned societies, and encyclopaedias. Among these are "On
the Adoption of a Uniform Orthography for the Indian Languages of North
America" (1820) ; "Remarks on the Indian Languages of North
America" (1836); and "Memoir on the Language and Inhabitants of
Lord North's Island" (1845); also, in book-form, "A Vocabulary
or Collection of Words and Phrases which have been Supposed to be Peculiar to
the United States of America" (Boston, 1816), and " A
Comprehensive Dictionary of the Greek Language" (1826). The latter
passed through numerous editions at home and was reprinted abroad.
In 1806 he was elected Hancock professor of Hebrew in Harvard, and later
was invited to fill the chair of Greek literature in that university, both of
which appointments he declined, as well as that of provost of the University of
Pennsylvania. He was an active member of the board of overseers of Harvard from
1818 till 1824, and received the degree of LL. D. from Bowdoin in 1822, and from
Harvard in 1835. Mr. Pickering was one of the founders of the American oriental
society and its president until his death, also president of the American
academy of arts and sciences, and a member of various learned societies both at
home and abroad. Besides the works mentioned above, he was the author of various
legal articles, among which are "The Agrarian Laws," "Egyptian
Jurisprudence," "Lecture on the Alleged Uncertainty of Law,"
and "Review of the International McLeod Question" (1825). See "Life
of John Pickering," by his daughter, Mary Orne Pickering (Boston,
Timothy's third son, Henry Pickering,
poet, born in Newburg, New York, 8 October, 1781; died in New York city, 8 May,
1831, was born in the historic Hasbrouck house, better known as Washington's
headquarters, while his father was with Washington
at the siege of Yorktown. He accompanied the
family to Boston in 1801, and engaged in business in Salem, acquiring in a few
years a moderate fortune, from which he contributed largely to the support of
his father's family and to the education of its younger members. In consequence
of losses, he removed to New York in 1825, and endeavored to retrieve his
fortune, but without success. He then resided at Rondout and other places along
the Hudson, where he devoted his leisure to reading, and writing poetry. His
writings appeared in the "Evening Post," and include "Ruins
of Paesturn" (Salem, 1822); "Athens, and other Poems "
(1824); "Poems" (1830) ; and "The Buckwheat Cake"
Another son of Timothy, Octavius
Pickering, lawyer, born in Wyoming, Pennsylvania, 2 September, 1791;
died in Boston, Massachusetts, 29 October, 1868, was graduated at Harvard in
1810, and then studied law with his brother, John Pickering. In March, 1816, he
was admitted to the bar of Suffolk county, and opened an office in Boston. He
assisted in reporting the debates and proceedings of the Massachusetts
constitutional convention of 1820. In 1822-'40 he was reporter of the supreme
court of Massachusetts. During these years he prepared the " Reports of
Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts " (24 vols.,
Boston, 1822-'40).
On retiring from office he visited Europe and spent seven years in England
and on the continent. He took an active interest in natural history, was a
fellow of the American academy of arts and sciences, and one of the founders, in
December, 1814, of the New England society for the promotion of natural history,
which subsequently became the Linnaean society of New England, and out of which
has grown the Boston society of natural history. His literary work included,
besides various legal papers, "A Report of the Trial by Impeachment of
James Prescott" with William H. Gardiner (Boston, 1821), and he
prepared the first volume of the " Life of Timothy Pickering by his
Son" (4 vols., 1867-'73), of which the remaining volumes were issued by
Charles W. Upham.
Timothy's grandson, Charles
Pickering, physician, born in Susquehanna county,
Pennsylvania, 10 November, 1805; died in Boston, Massachusetts, 17 March, 1878,
was graduated at Harvard in 1823, and at its medical department in 1826, after
which he settled in the practice of his profession in Philadelphia. Meanwhile he
developed interest in natural history, and became a member of the Philadelphia
academy of natural sciences, to whose transactions he contributed valuable
papers. In 1838-'42 he was naturalist to the United States exploring expedition
under Captain Charles Wilkes. On his return he was a year in Washington,
and then visited eastern Africa, traveling from Egypt to Zanzibar, and thence to
India for the purpose of more thoroughly studying the people of those parts of
the world that had not been visited by the expedition. Nearly two years were
occupied in these researches, after which he devoted himself to the preparation
of "The Races of Man and their Geographical Distribution"
(Boston, 1848), which forms the ninth volume of the "Reports of the
United States Exploring Expedition," and was republished in
"Bohn's Illustrated Library" (London, 1850). This he followed with
his "Geographical Distribution of Animals and Man" (1854) and
"Geographical Distribution of Plants" (1861).
Dr. Pickering was a member of the American oriental society, the American
academy of arts and sciences, the American philosophical society, and other
learned bodies, to whose proceedings he contributed. At. the time of his death
he left in manuscript "Chronological History of Plants: Man's Record of
his own Existence illustrated through their Names, Uses, and Companionship"
(Boston, 1879).
Timothy's great-grandson, Edward Charles
Pickering, astronomer, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 19 July, 1846,
was graduated in the civil engineering course at the Lawrence scientific school
of Harvard in 1865. During the following year he was called to the Massachusetts
institute of technology as assistant, instructor of physics, of which branch he
held the full professorship from 1868 till 1877. Professor Pickering devised
plans for the physical laboratory of the institute, and introduced the
experimental method of teaching physics at a time when that mode of instruction
had not been adopted elsewhere. His scientific work during these years consisted
largely of researches in physics, notably investigations on the polarization of
light and the laws of its reflection and dispersion. He also described a new
form of spectrum telescope, and invented in 1870 a telephone-receiver, which he
publicly exhibited. He observed the total eclipse of the sun on 7 August, 1869,
with the party that was sent out by the Nautical almanac office, at Mount
Pleasant, Iowa, and was a member of the United States coast survey expedition to
Xeres, Spain, to observe that of 22 December, 1870, having on that occasion
charge of the polariscope.
In 1876 he was appointed professor of astronomy and geodesy, and director
of the observatory at Harvard, and under his management this observatory has
become one of the foremost in the United States. More than twenty assistants now
take part in investigations under his direction, and the invested funds of the
observatory have increased from $176,000 to $654.000 during his administration.
His principal work since he accepted this appointment has been the determination
of the relative brightness of the stars, which is accomplished by means of a
meridian photometer, an instrument which has been specially devised for this
purpose, and he has prepared a catalogue giving the brightness of over 4,000
stars. Since 1878 he has also made photometric measurements of Jupiter's
satellites while they are undergoing eclipse, and of the satellites of Mars and
other very faint objects.
On the death of Henry Draper (q. v:) his widow requested Professor Pickering
to continue important researches on the application of photography to astronomy,
as a Henry Draper memorial, and the study of the spectra of the stars by
photography has thus been undertaken on a scale that was never before attempted.
A fund of $250,000, left by Uriah A. Boyden (q. v.) to the observatory, has been
utilized for the special study of the advantages of very elevated observing
stations. Professor Pickering has also devoted attention to such subjects as
mountain-surveying, the height and velocity of clouds, papers on which he has
contributed to the Appalachian club, of which he was president in 1877, and
again in 1882. He is an associate of the Royal astronomical society of London,
from which in 1886 he received its gold medal for photometric researches, and,
besides membership in other scientific societies in the United States and
Europe, he was elected in 1873 to the National academy of sciences, by which
body he was further honored in 1887 with the award of the Henry Draper medal for
his work on astronomical physics. In 1876 he was elected a vice-president of the
American association for the advancement of science, and presented his retiring
address before the section of mathematics and physics at the Nashville
In addition to his many papers, which number about 100, he prepared annual
" Reports on the Department of Physics" for the Massachusetts
institute of technology, and the "Annual Reports of the Director of the
Astronomical Observatory," likewise editing the "Annals of the
Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College." He has also edited, with
notes, "The Theory of Color in its Relations to Art and Art
Industry," by Dr. William Yon Bezold (Boston, 1876), and he is the
author of "Elements of Physical Manipulation" (2 parts, Boston,
--Edward Charles's brother. William
Henry Pickering, astronomer, born in Boston, Massachusetts, 15
February, 1858, was graduated at the Massachusetts institute of technology in
1879, and in 1880-'7 was instructor of physics in that institution. In March,
1887, he was called to the charge of the Boyden department of the Harvard
observatory, which place he still fills. He founded in 1882, in connection with
the Institute of technology, the first regular laboratory where dry-plate
photography was systematically taught to numerous pupils. Mr. Pickering observed
the solar eclipse of 1878 from Colorado, and in 1886 conducted an expedition to
the West Indies to observe the total eclipse of that year. In 1887 he led an
expedition to Colorado to make astronomical observations for the purpose of
selecting the most suitable site for an astronomical observatory. In addition to
various articles on photography in technical periodicals, and the transactions
of the American academy, he has published "Walking Guide to the Mount Washington
Range" (Boston, 1882).
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